Title: End of the World
karlamartinova Pairing: Helen/Will
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Own nothing!
AN: Just a short angsty piece written in the "mood". Betaed by beautiful
clear_yourmind who will finally teach me proper English grammar:)
What will happen with the world when Helen Magnus dies? Will it die too? Spin from its axis and bring us to the end? Will didn’t know, but sure as hell, he didn’t want to find out.
He leaned again and touched her cheek hoping to find it less warm. He was disappointed to find out her temperature was even higher. With a sigh, he took the phone out of his pocket and called Henry in order to ask him to bring more ice.
Right now, he wanted to yell at her for her carelessness. Why it was always her to go first, to see the unknown? Of course, he understood her need to discover, to be the first, but right now he was afraid and angry and comprehension was very difficult to find within his heart.
Will knew that she felt the danger; he could see it her face. She had stopped him immediately and didn’t allow him to enter the cave first. She knew but went there nevertheless. He wished he could be the one with fever; he wished he could be treated by her; he wanted to feel her soft fingers on his wrist and to hear her voice telling him everything would be okay. He didn’t like it on the other side.
“Will,” Helen whispered and Will leaned towards her, trying to catch her words. She breathed heavily, the act bringing her more pain than relief.
“Yes, Magnus, I’m here,” he spoke and took her hand in his, squeezing it softly. He was afraid that even his touch would hurt her.
She gulped, her throat completely dry, but experiences dictated not to give any water even when he desperately wanted to.
“The antidote….. they have it in London… hurry, I have very few hours left,” her speech was interrupted by coughing and he raised her a bit, lying her on his chest to make breathing easier for her. No, he wasn’t selfish. He was doing it for her, not to assure himself that her heart was still beating.
Henry entered with more ice and Will told him about London. Henry nodded enthusiastically and went to contact Druitt. She didn’t have much time left.
He took the ice and prayed. Prayed for Henry to find Druitt quickly, for the antidote to be the correct one, for Magnus and for the world. Because the world may not end when she dies, but his won’t need to exist anymore.