Title: Bluetrace
karlamartinova Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: No, still dont own nothing beside few books and TARDIS key chain!
Word Count: 1 580
AN: So yeah finally, my first (real) Sherlock fic. Written for a prompt at Make Me A Monday on
sherlockbbc , for
shwas who wanted: John goes back to Afghanistan during/because of Sherlock
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I love this, and the atmosphere, and Sherlock thoughts and the ending of the story (especially the ending!)
That's great, really))
And your English is very good:)
"And I cant help but also "Closer" kinda wants to end as a fic ;)" - do whatever you want :D
And thanks again XD
(haha, slovak sounds a bit similar as mine lang.))
And one more moment: Can I translate this lovely fic into russian?))
You are welcome, and sure, no problem :) No one ever translated my fics :)
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