a different kind of love

Oct 12, 2009 16:31

I googled 'NEWS Member Ai' and this came as a result. This is a must read for NEWS die-hards. Please play NEWS' Share while reading and bring a pack of tissue as well.   Or S.H.E. and Fahrenheit's Thank You For Your Gentleness?

NEWS member ai is not groping and molesting each other in front of camera or on stage. or some kind of sick male with male kissing. euww. no thanks.
those aforementioned are called fanservice folks, if u havent know (¬_¬)

their member ai is different and special from other groups, bcoz the way they were formed is also different and special from other groups.

so if u dont see them kissing each other or always hanging out together, dont say that they dont have member ai. bcoz their member ai is different. it's kindness in the smallest action.

NEWS member ai is when ryo got upset he's the only one who didnt know koyashige went to new york.

NEWS member ai is when ryo got upset massu didnt tell him that he got a drama this season and already filming.

NEWS member ai is when koyama poured tea for ryo who's almost choked from eating rice too much and yelp 'ocha! ocha!'.

NEWS member ai is when ryo said he loves tego, massu, and kusano, but not shige. and NEWS member ai is when koyama answered 'that's ok, this attitude will help shige to grow stronger'

NEWS member ai is when yamapi wore a black leather jacket with their initials on it sleeve, YNKMKT, and wore it in every single daite seniorita performances, while NEWS was suspended. NEWS member ai is when yamapi basically bring all of the members on stage on his solo project and keep them all save on his arm...

NEWS member ai is when massu went all the way to oosaka from tokyo to see uchi who was hospitalized.

NEWS member ai is when yamapi borrowed shige's electronic dictionary and left it on the couch untill the battery died and shige let it be.

NEWS member ai is when massu often give yamapi a bottle of drink backstage even when yamapi doesnt feel thirsty.

NEWS member ai is when shige doing tegoshi's hair for concert. again. and again.

NEWS member ai is when massu wore green pajamas for hey3x and they let him be.

NEWS member ai is when ryo complain about massu's indecisiveness when buying things and yet bring him to shopping, just the two of them.

NEWS member ai is when yamapi called koyama when he was was in New York and whining 'come back soooon'

NEWS member ai is when ryo gave shige his rug after shige said he likes it.

NEWS member ai is when massu said, when we bully shige it's fun, but when somebody else i dont know bully him or call him 'aitsu' i get mad.

NEWS member ai is when shige took pictures of members most of the time for his photoShigenic column in myojo.

NEWS member ai is when ryo and yamapi back danced for koyashige. (hail to kato kingdom XD)

NEWS member ai is when yamapi called koyama and shout 'i love uuuu' and cut the call off.

NEWS member ai is when yamapi said that tegomass wont lose to any other JE groups vocal wise. (it means u're not deaf baby, u're not deaf <3)

NEWS member ai is when tegoshi clings to any member, in any given time.

NEWS member ai is when they want a tv show so that they can meet each other more often and regularly.

NEWS member ai is when they order delivery food and made koyama pay for it by writing his name on the bill secretly.

NEWS member ai is when yamapi said if NEWS was ever invited in a Quiz show, they would let shige, the genius, handle it. and they wont lose.

NEWS member ai is when they had to went through troubles twice, put under hiatus for months, have low budget PV and have no tv show, but the super famous yamapi who could sell only by him solo self still said 'i'm glad that i'm in NEWS' and 'when i meet them, it feels like home'.

NEWS member ai is when they gathered and composed a song together that tell a story about them and what they've been through, each member took part in writing lyrics and ryo came up with the best appropriate title ever, "Share".

and the lovely thing about NEWS member ai is, it's not only between them but it spreads to their mothers. NEWS member ai is when their moms watch their concerts, kurosagi movie and koyama's CALL stage play together. how awesome is that.

they're not a group that had been formed long before they debuted.
they're not a group that all the member come from the same region.
they're not a group that has been best friend since they were a child.
they're a group that formed from random people from 4 different groups that were pretty much stranger to each other.
they're a group that formed not only from different groups but also from different regions.
with so much awkwardness and difficulties and troubles, they managed to work it out. and that my friend is a big achievement.

written by yamapearl


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