Challenge Fic: A Little Bit Rock and Roll.

Jan 27, 2007 22:49

Title: A Little Bit Rock and Roll
Author: Raven
Email: tarnishedraven at gmail dot com
Rated: Adult
This Chapter: Adult. NC-17
Characters: Keith Urban/Karl Urban
Summary: This is pure PORN. [Well she said "no holds barred."]
Warnings: see above
Chapter: 1/1

Disclaimer: The characters in this story have the same names as certain well-known actors. The descriptions sound like them. The icons have their faces on them. But they are characters in a story and this story is of the genre known as fan-fiction. It comes from my imagination, nowhere else.

Challenge: from legolas_lustin. Posted at the_challenger Karl and Keith [Urban] get sent to the same premiere and are double booked in the same hotel room because of a mistake made by a new assistant.

Notes: Yes, I know I'm being unusually prolific, even for me. I'm taking full advantage of my last 24hrs of computer freedom before my daughters get back from their month-long visit with their father. It's not that I can't write porn with them in the house, it's a matter of computer access! LOL My kids are teenagers *needs to say no more* and they don't return to school until mid-Feb.

A Little Bit Rock and Roll
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