gakked from
nemo_gravis 1. Do you outline?
Not really. I think about where I want the story to start and about some situations I want the characters to face. Most often I have no idea at the beginning where and when the story will end.
2. Do you write straight through, or do you sometimes tackle the scenes out of order?
Usually I write straight through. If I'd skip ahead to future scenes I would know what will happen at a later date. Getting there after that becomes quite boring to me and makes writing the events in between no fun.
3. Do you prefer writing with a pen or using a computer?
I started writing using a fountain pen. Now I definitely prefer the computer. I'm typing much faster, and corrections are much easier to make. Another advantage is that I don't have to decipher my own hasty handwriting at a later date.
4. Do you prefer writing in first person or third?
Third person, because I find it easier to do. A limited third person's perspective from one character's view works best for me.
5. Do you listen to music while you write?
Sometimes. Or I have the TV running in the background. I find it easier to write when it's not too quiet.
6. How do you come up with the perfect names for your characters?
I’m still looking for a perfect method. For anime crossovers I look on the back of some DVD cases, pick some names at random when I like the sound and mix different first and last names together.
6. When you're writing, do you ever imagine your story as a television show or movie?
No. If the writing runs really well I see the film in my head instead.
7. Have you ever had a character insist on doing something you really didn't want him/her to do?
Sometimes. Most of the time I like it when that happens; then the story really comes to life.
8. Do you know how a book is going to end when you start it?
I have never written a book and I doubt I will. I don't want to know where a story will end when I start writing. Finding out what will happen is most of the fun for me.
9. Where do you write?
At home, using my laptop computer.
10. What do you do when you get writer's block?
I write fanfiction when I feel like it. I think about the following scenes when I'm not writing. So far I never had to face writer’s block.
11. What size increments do you write in (either in terms of word count, or as a percentage of the fic as a whole)?
It depends. Mostly I struggle to write from 800 to 1,200 words in an average evening. But I wrote a story a short time ago where I ended up with over 5,000 words per chapter and evening/day. It seems to depend on how much the theme and the characters fascinate me.
12. How many different drafts did you write for your last project?
None. I wrote a ficlet last and did only minor revising.
13. Have you ever changed a character's name midway through a draft?
14. Do you let anyone read your story while you're working on it, or do you wait until you've completed a draft before letting someone else see it?
Nobody else reads my stories before I post them.
15. What do you do to celebrate when you finish a draft?
Post the thing and go to sleep after reading something else. I celebrate the reviews I get.
16. One project at a time, or multiple projects at once?
One project at a time. Mostly. When something else wins my attention I make an exception.
17. Do your stories grow or shrink in revision?
They shrink slightly. Mostly I hunt down typos and rewrite scenes so that they are as clear and understandable as possible.
18. Do you have any writing or critique partners?
No, but I take criticism left by reviewers into consideration.
19. Do you prefer drafting or revising?
Neither. I prefer writing.