Feb 16, 2005 21:36
i dont know what to do ones telling me something and i want to listen but my hearts saying not to but i really want i mean i just dont want to get hurt again and he means a lot to me he really does i know people tell me other wise but i cant handle it.....i dont know how long i can keep this fake smile...and then someone just doesnt realize how i feel about them i mean my emotions are so confused right now i have no clue what way to go and i feel like i have no one to to turn to any more i mean i could turn to my best friend but i feel like i just cause her pain to so now i have no one to go if only people realized what they meant to me i mean i dont know how many signals i can give now to show him that he means something to me but i guess he just doesnt see me like that i dont i just feel really lost and confused right now...