(no subject)

Jan 29, 2006 11:53

Oh, wow, haven't updated in a while. I guess I been busy. I went to Louisiana Saturday til Wednesday. And worked my ASS off, I was pulling 16-17 hour days. At the end of the week, I had 89 hours. Yikes. I'm gonna be loving my next paycheck. I may marry it.

In other news, I... got a new computer. I didn't plan on it, it just kind of happened. Here's the story (of a lovely lady...): My dad was fed up with his crapass computer and was going to buy a new one. So I'm all, "Dad, you know nothing about computers, you better let me go with you." So we go, we're looking and Dad's like, "All these computers are too much for what little I need and your computer's getting old, isn't it?" Me: "Uhh... it's only two." Dad: "Right, it's a dinosaur. Tell you what. I'll buy a whiz-bang new computer, you take that one and give me your old one." Me: "... ? ..."

So I walk out of there with a new computer. And I spent all evening yesterday, moving my stuff from old to new -- and I'm all proud of myself that I thought to move my bookmarks too, so I didn't have to re-find all my favorite websites. Oh, and since I bought the computer at Fry's, I named it Philip J. Fry.

In other productive news, I've reloaded most of the pictures that were lost off my ISP server. The only ones left are the ones I use for my mood icons. That's today's project. I'm also almost done with laundry -- and me saying that is a huuuuuge deal because I've been backlogged on it for months, unable to get all of it done before more would pile up. But I only have two loads left and the whole of Sunday in front of me. Wheeee!

Last on my to-do list. Hang my new curtains. I'd have them up already but I discovered there's a bad patch job and, for some inexplicable reason, sheet metal in the wall, so I needed to bring work-tools home to get that taken care of. I brought my drill and sheet metal screws -- I WILL get those holes drilled.

Whew, I'm not usually so productive. I usually like to sit around on weekends and do nothing. This is so unlike me.
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