(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 21:22

We had this helicopter today that my boss wanted me to go fly with and see if my fixer-upper job on the auto-pilot system was fixed. The pilot decided to combine this with some pilot training. Three hours later, I march into my boss's office and say "Never. Again! Will I go on a trainee flight."

See, first off, I had to sit there and sit there while the pilot showed his trainee every little fucking button and switch, explaining them in great detail. He finally starts the damn thing and goes on some more diatribe about op-checking every single freaking system, again in great detail. I was like, fuck this, I'm going to sleep. So I stretch out on the back seat and power-nap for THIRTY MINUTES! He sat there explaining shit for thirty minutes.

When we eventually get off the ground, he takes it for a lap around Galveston, showing the trainee how to handle the helicopter. Then we come back, go into a hover and the pilot's all, "Okay, now you take it." Me: "WHAT?!" The trainee takes the controls and it's JOLT, JOLT, LURCH, CRAB-FLY-SIDEWAYS, I'm white-knuckling the seat and I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth. And it was neverending. The pilot was letting the dude come for landings and shit and I'm all AAH! Too fast! Takeoff: straight up into the air -- my stomach got left behind. One guess? You're right, too fast.

We land, I scramble out of the aircraft as fast I possibly can, run into the maintenance office, which leads me back to the beginning of my post. NEVER A-fucking-GAIN!!

Bright side: the auto-pilot? Tis fixed! If only THAT had been flying instead of the trainee.

Subject change: ATWT... Tomorrow! IT HAPPENS TOMORROW!
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