+so i love getting mail. but getting INTERNATIONAL MAIL - that's even BETTER! CAROLINA THANKS FOR YOUR LETTER! it came onnn...tuesday and this is what it looked like...
+we went to the cannes thing yesterday. it wasn't very good. go figure last year was "the best year ever" [says everyone in my family] and i wasn't here to see it. i think i might get a membership at the art gallery though...i love it there!
+novillero and meligrove coming up. anyone interested in going? tickets are like 6$! come on guys - cheap show!
+randi comes home in 6 days! whoooo!
+lol rent was...interesting. i had so much fun with you girls though. what with the body throwing and the dancing on the way home. holy smokes...hilarious....
+so tired of work :(
+i need some new music.
+hey suz - this saturday? and sarah? do you want to do something for your birthday?! i want to see you if you are free!