My interview was on Tuesday morning, and I think it went well. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if I get offered the job. At first, I wasn't sure if I would take it even if it was offered, but then I went into work after the interview and had one of the worst days of my life! So I will be taking it if they offer it to me.
I'm just really not sure if they will, at this point. No real experience makes it seem unlikely. I'm still okay with that.
I LOVED Thor. It's one of those movies that I'm not sure exactly what made me love it, just that I know I did. And it had Chris Hemsworth's abs, which I'm pretty sure would elevate any movie into my "must see, will love" category.
I think that's how it should be. Casting directors, please take note.
But it was a really good movie. The romance was good, the fight scenes were fun and action-packed, and while it wasn't laugh out loud funny anywhere like say, Iron Man was, it had some good lines.
I think my only complaint was really that in the beginning, it just felt like we were waiting for Thor to get exiled. It seemed to take too long--but I don't see how they could have cut anything out. We really need to see why he needs to get thrown out of Asgard and have his powers stripped, because it's really a drastic thing to do. So it was needed.
And the ending left me dying for more! Normally I would hate any ending where the couple doesn't end up together, but oh, it was perfect. The "I'm sorry, Jane," had me choked up, but even knowing it meant he'd never see her again, he never hesitated to do what he had to do.
In conclusion, I demand a sequel. ASAP, please.