practice makes perfect... or it should

Jan 27, 2006 16:22

Today I made brownies! It's the first time in years I've really cooked anything. Maybe once every three or four months, I'll make myself something for lunch. Probably less than that, since usually I just have microwavable food. Sometimes I make myself sandwiches, but that's also very rare. I'm just not a cook of any kind. I got home late last night just in time to watch Jimmy finish off the brownies he'd baked earlier in the week, and for me to help finish off the cookies he'd apparently made at the same time.

Jimmy's the only person in the family who actually likes to cook, and that's really great because he's a very good cook. He messes up every once in a while, but he's just fourteen and he pouts for ages if things don't come out perfect. He sticks to sweets mostly, but he'll often start dinner. There are times he'll actually cook entire dinners, when Mom knows Dad will get hungry by the time she gets home from work, so she'll call ahead and tell Jimmy how to prepare it. I... never cook. Brian never cooks, and Dad rarely cooks. Mom cooks all the time, but she hates it probably just as much as I do. She's good at it, though. I love Mom's food, especially her spagetti.

Jimmy's the only person who'll make things from scratch, though. Damn, does he ever make really good cookies!

Today, for some reason, I just got the urge to bake some sort of sweet. All we had left was brownies and cake, and I decided to go for the brownies because we didn't have the kind of icing I wanted. They turned out okay, but I don't know if they're completely done. Jimmy keeps insisting they're fine, but I think he's just saying that. He says they're not completely cooled down, so that's why they seem a bit undone. He says they'll be perfect once they finish cooling. I don't know anything about it, so I'm taking his word for it. I'm pretty sure they're pretty cool, though... does it really make that much of a difference if brownies are still lukewarm rather than cool?

Still, they taste fine, so texture and such isn't that important, right? I'm a horrible cook and all, but I followed the directions exactly. Usually that works well for me! Sometimes... occasionally... every once in a while! I have no idea how I manage to mess up tv dinners so often. >.<; I hate cooking so very much.

...damn, I hope if I ever have kids that I don't have to cook for them, because they'd probably die from food poisoning. That'd really suck.


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