Sep 22, 2005 23:13
I finally got around to taking my computer to the information technologies center at the university here. Apparently they can't do anything everything, so I might end up having to take it to a computer repair shop ANYWAY. It figures.
I finally got my laptop working properly. Apparently the anti-virus program I had on here was total crap, because I used the anti-virus cd IT gave me for my desktop on my laptop, and yeah... lots of viruses. That would explain why it needed to be rebooted every five minutes, wouldn't it?
But all this time on my laptop has me regretting the fact that I asked Dad for a desktop instead of a laptop. In retrospect, that would've been the better choice. DAMMIT, I could just kick myself. *sigh* Oh, well, can't do anything about it now. I'm a bit too late to change my mind.
You know, at least I have this old laptop. And now that it works, that means I have two working computers here in my dorm, and one at home! I feel so special. Kind of.
Astronomy exam tomorrow, and I've barely studied. I know the material well enough that I just can't focus on it long enought to study. *scowl* It's all multiple choice, though, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I've learned the material as well as I hope I have.
School food sucks. Every single week I've been here, I've gotten sick at least one day a week from the food. DAMMIT, it hurts. As a first year student, I was required to get one of the larger meal plans, too, and I'm barely using it because it's constantly making me sick. Instead, I'm eating food I buy at the grocery store. Oh, god, it's enough of a waste of money to make me ILL. Oh, except I ALREADY AM.
ETA: My day wasn't all this bad. In my 8am English class, I got my 4 page paper back. 95%! Only one point off. *glee* And then right after that, I had an advising meeting and I scheduled all my classes for next semester and they're awesome! So I had a good morning, at least.