::No Pictures Please!::

Feb 25, 2004 22:33

My mom has gone crazy with her stupid camera lately...she wants to take pictures of me doing everything...it's so ridiculous, I'm about to bury it in the backyard. In worse news, Cam's 3 year old sister broke the shit out of her arm yesterday, she fell off of the counter (not all the way from the top, but her hands slipped as she was about to drop), and she landed with her arm behind her back. The specialist bone doctor man said that he sees a break as bad as hers once or twice in a year. Anyway, it was really scary, and she had to have surgery and be on morphine and stuff, and that's just really awful because she's just so cute. But I saw her in the hospital today, and she was out of it (because of the medicine) but not looking too bad. She is staying another night tonight because she got dehydrated, and didn't want to move her arm, so they're bringing in a physical therapist tomorrow and they are going to help her. I just can't even believe it, all this happens and she's 3? wow.

For some good news, I had really good talks with Brett and Andy yesterday. I hadn't talked to them in a long time, and it was just nice to catch up and stuff. They are good guys. Cam LEGALLY burned me a CD today...he got an account on Napster, but it is such a damn rip off and he does not recommend it. You have to pay $10 a month just to have access to buy the songs, and then they're still like $1 each...or you can get specials like 50 songs for $40. That's so damn expensive and dumb...I mean, even if songs were like 50 cents, that would make it like $9 for a CD, which wouldn't be THAT bad...but like $18 for a burned CD when tons of people are still getting it for free is so completely dumb.

I would also like to point out that yesterday was Melaina's birthday, and I didn't call her. Her mom told my mom she was upset that no one called her. How do ya like dem apples?

The end. Listening to my new tunes. Gotta run.
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