Feb 18, 2004 14:09
After running into Kim at El Sarape on Saturday night, we said we should hang out...so this weekend I got to hang out with her & Lenita. We went to dinner at Red Robin, and then just hung out for a while. I really just loved being able to hang out with them, and I got to talk to Lenita about some stuff and I just felt much better after getting to kick it for a while. (Hence, this is the hugging part). Unfortunately, Brynn was in Oregon so she wasn't able to hang out...maybe sometime this break the four of us will be able to hang out.
Now to the killing part. My sister went to a party last night...which consisted (I've heard) of mostly senior guys. She told me and my mom that she was going to her bitch friend Rhi's house and spending the night...not going anywhere. Later that night, I got a call (I won't say who called) and they said that my sister was out at this party. When I said I was coming to pick her up, because she's NOT supposed to be there, apparently the boys who had brought her got pissed at the person who had called me, and my sister was freaking out at them, and so they forced the person to call me back and lie to me and say she had never been there. I talked to 4 separate people during that night. Two of them stuck to the phrases "I don't know, she might be here, but I haven't seen her"... "I don't know, I haven't seen her"..."I don't know, I'm looking around and I don't see her anywhere". Finally the truth came out that James had brought her, who was one of the two, and Cody was the other. James promised on our friendship that my sister wasn't there, so needless to say, we're not friends anymore. I hate liars, so I hate James and Cody. They are fucking dumb. (And that is all the killing).
NOTE: If you see my sister at a party, consider who is more important to you. If I am, call me and tell me she's there so I can pick her up and beat her ass. Otherwise, fuck off.
Okay wow that was really angry for awhile. I have good news though, I went months without winning "lucky 20" on my pepsi bottles, but now I have won two in a row. But Cam just got here, so I gotta go. Hope everyone's having a good break! If you want to hang out gimme a call! see ya