the art of living.

May 03, 2008 23:56

thursday, I took one of the tunnel buses to the international district as part of my morning commute. while waiting for the next bus to come, a guy stood in front of me and said, "hi!"

I assessed the situation by trying to determine whether I could just ignore him, or whether I was going to need to engage in conversation, as there was a bus approaching the bus bay. since he was right in front of me, and obviously not going anywhere, I turned to face him. he was holding out a flyer for a seminar.

"I'd like to invite you to this seminar in bellevue, called the art of living."

I took one look at the flyer, and then at him, trying to come up with the best way to say no (which obviously would have been "no thanks", but this was me, pre-caffeine, 8 o'clock in the morning). what I came up with was "I'm not going to be in town on those days" (which was absolutely true, the seminar was for may 13-19).

I got on the bus, and he walked away.

I got to wondering why he picked me, out of all of the people waiting at the bus stop, and decided that I could take it one of two ways.

the positive: he thought I looked like the sort of person who enjoyed things like that.
the negative: he thought I looked like the sort of person who NEEDS something like that.

half of me wanted to get off the bus at the next tunnel stop and go back and ask him (just out of curiosity, of course), but instead I decided to write about it. the "art" of living. scoff.

along those same lines, I found a link to these rad help I need help packages via happy mundane. brill.


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