key to life?

Apr 09, 2007 20:42

this morning when I was riding the bus, I was sitting across the aisle from a guy who was carrying a book and a fold up umbrella. that was it. I was jealous, as I was carrying my laptop, my messenger-bag-type purse, and my lunch, which felt like a lot to begin with, even before I compared my load with his.

I thought that it must be so nice to not have to carry anything. his wallet was probably in his back pocket, and other than that, the only thing he'd need to carry would be his keys, right?

it got me thinking about how many keys I have to carry. and how it's less than when I worked at the bank, but still a good amount. there's my car key, my apartment key, the front door key, the garbage key. I have my parents' house key, the key to my cubicle storage locker, the key to my file cabinet. and while I don't need to carry every one of these keys every day, it's easier for me to keep them all together on one ring, rather than in separate pieces.

I remember when I got my first key. first real key, anyway. I was in fifth grade, I think, and my parents finally gave me a house key. I had A key. just one. and I kept it on a keychain that had a 386 chip inside it. not quite intel inside, but getting there. (wow, I was a geek.)

I never was one of those people to have tons of keychains; just one key, one key chain.

and then I can't remember. I must have gotten other keys at some point, probably around when I started driving, I would have started carrying the car key. and my bike lock key.

but they do sort of inspire that feeling of security. I tend to leave my keys at home when I go on a plane trip somewhere, mostly because I'm worried that I'll lose them. but I feel a little bit naked without them.

it's probably the same reason why I carry so much crap with me everywhere that I go; I feel that much more comfortable with my notebook, my pens, my chapstick, my kleenex, my gloves, my advil, my water bottle, my gum, my sunglasses, and a snack.

even though carrying it all around weighs me down.

memories, metro

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