luck be a lady?

Aug 01, 2006 22:29


3rd avenue seems to be harboring some sort of nasty curse as of late.

as some of you might know, and if you live in seattle, you definitely heard about this, last friday there was a shooting at the jewish federation on 3rd avenue. 3rd and lenora, actually. one lady died (and apparently a co-worker of mine used to work there, and knew her), and 5 others got shot. they're not sure that it was a hate-crime; it'd be easy to think so, given the current situation in the middle east, but 4 of the 6 people who were shot weren't jewish, they just happened to be in the building.

so. that's scary.

I had trouble getting home that day, because they closed off the road and presumably the buses that run down the street there. but my transportation problems were nothing compared to what they were dealing with.

today, riding the bus home from work, a little ways further down 3rd avenue... probably somewhere around 3rd and battery, a tree split in half, and fell on top of some lady's car. it wasn't particularly windy today (a little, but no more than usual, and out near battery, there aren't any tall buildings, so there's no wind-tunnel effect), and there wasn't any evidence that anyone had cut the tree down.

that poor black jetta. feel bad for the lady too.

so. that's random.

I'm thinking that maybe I should avoid 3rd avenue tomorrow - since bad things tend to happen in threes? I can stay on 5th avenue, right? avoid any soon-to-be catastrophes?

the problem being, soon after driving past the tree+car debacle, the reader board at the mcdonalds on 5th said that it was 102 degrees fahrenheit, when it was obviously only 70 (at the hottest) outside.

omen, perhaps?

or maybe someone just accidentally put the thermometer too close to a hot air vent.

but we'll never know.

city, metro

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