typing typing typing

Sep 07, 2005 22:23

today at work, I started to do one of my free-write-types. the kind where I open up a word document or a notepad file and just start typing whatever comes into my head, just to get things out. I got about half of the way through a page and wasn't able to even look at it, let alone type anything into it until about five hours later. that's how busy it was. (I think, technically, I took lunch in there too. so it's possible that I could have looked at it/typed, but regardless. makes a better whine. and my lunch got cut short because I had to open up some accounts for someone. and I hate opening up accounts. it's part of the reason why I'm quitting.)

but it's funny. this evening, I'm in a better mood than I have been for the past week.


this morning felt like the first day of school. it WAS the first day of school for a lot of kids in the area. a lot of other kids that I know started school yesterday. the cool crisp air, the faint sunlight that fortells of a hot afternoon, being awake at 6:30am. it was kind of a nice thought that I kept to myself all day long, from when I sat in traffic on I-90 (from an earlier accident that they didn't tell me about until I could already see it) to just now.

it made me think of 'first day of school' memories that I have. third grade: big blue framed glasses, buck teeth, a flowered vest and blue pin stripe dress pants. freshman year in college: waking up at 6:00am to get a shower in the dorm without having to wait, hiking all the way across campus - uphill, no less, to get to my first class on time.

and with that, it struck me that I really don't have that many 'first day of school' memories. I can't remember them. save for those two. I can think about specific days from way back when, or the starts of specific classes in college, but I have no easy recollection of the first day of my high school career, or the first day of my senior year in college. and the thought of forgetting all of these things makes me sad.

I could resolve to write down everything. everything, like harriet the spy. but it's tiresome. and consuming, as funes knows. so, instead, I'll just keep on trying to enjoy things as they come. and write when I feel like it. and relish in the memories that I have. and not fret too much about those that I don't remember.


memories, writing, typing

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