Jul 27, 2004 01:17
Don't you love it when you see the dummest kiddie movie, but then at the end you actually learn something from it? i do!
I saw a cinderella story today with my sister. . and it made me think(seriously! im not weird!) Im wasting my life away by thinking about guys, and when im gonna find the right one.. but seriously. i've never actually thought about school or anything else.. ive been so sheltered into thinking that guys, clothes, and makeup was everything. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Im in 10th grade i have my whole life to find my prince charming. only 5% of the worlds population marrys their high school sweethearts anyways..( your probably thinking oh no, she brought in the statistics) but this is serious thinking here.. i could be a straight A student if i just used HALF of my thinking span on school work as i do on boys. just HALF. thats alot of thinking going towards boys! I need to stop chasing boys, i mean what's the point? they can come find me. Not to sound like i have low self-eteem or anything but it's not like the boys were reeling in anyways.. i guess you just have to be good bait, and im definitly not.
okay reading that over, it didn't make to much sense . my apologies!=)
anyways, i was talking to my sister today about my relationship with mark and what she thinks of it, and may i add my sisters rather blunt, so dont take what she says as much of a shock. Basically she said "suck it up, you two never got along, and when you did it was for like .5 seconds, but you both stayed together because each of you need someone.." how sad does that sound? DO i NEED someone to fufill my life? can i really not LIVE without someone? well, im gonna prove all of you people that agree with my sister WRONG. i dont NEED someone.. i can do just fine alone with my friends.. i dont need a guy to make me happy. .... i think? *sigh* IM just one of those fairy tale belivers that is just looking for her prince charming. i guess i actually belived i would find him. im stupid.
anyways, enough about guys! i went shopping today! bought the illest jeans, like seriously. so cute. A plus baby. and two cute shirts and a purse, all 60 bucks. good deal if i do say so myself!
now that i think about it.. i just totally condriticted my self from what i was saying before, about thinking about school and not boys and clothes? oh well, im a girl, what can i say. BIATCH.
who are YOU to judge anyways?!
gosh.. im such a loserrr!
ciao babys!=) ohyea, im leaving on wensday for a week, so untill then. peace OUT. dont party to much without me, and if you do.. take a shot for me for heavens sake!;-)