I spent most of the day trying not to throw up. So I was curled up on my bed with my laptop for most of it.
So I wrote something little. It's part of a larger idea that I've had for a while. But generally the ideas I like never pan out.
He turned the glass over on the table. It seemed to be an odd thing to do, but it was almost in a ritualistic fashion. He picked up another glass and set it upside-down next to the previous one. The fact that he spilled water on the table didn't seem to bother him. Even when it started dripping off the edge of the table he focused on the glasses.
"Are you all right?"
"No, I don't think so," the man responded as his eyes darted to the salt shaker.
"I know it's a lot of information to process but--"
"Don't but me. You're sitting there flatly stating that all the stories my mother told me as a child are true. Monsters exist and that people don't see them simply because they don't care. Do you know how crazy that sounds?"
The woman sighed as she snatched the salt shaker before the man could grab it. "You're making a scene."
"If you want me to yell at the top of my lungs, I promise I will."
"So temperamental." She rolled her eyes and her voice went up an octave. "Look, I really don't care what you do with your new found sight, but don't come crying to me when you find out the real meaning of truth, Kusuma."
He grabbed the pepper shaker and started unscrewing the cap. "As long as I don't have to listen to your cryptic nonsense, I'm golden."
Too Old For Fairy Tales. It's a story I've tried to write, eh, three times. Twice it got stuck at 30,000 before coughing up blood. The third time it just rolled over and passed out at 5,000. Clearly I was going about it the wrong way, and figured out the the basic concept behind it would be better suited to an RPG.
And then I ate my own hand, because I know how well my ideas go over when I try to introduce them to people. Not well at all. One or two people might say "well that's a great idea!" and then it just crashes and BURNS in a blaze of PAIN AND SUFFERING.
So I could honestly try and do this, I kind of want to, but I know full well no one will be interested. Giving up while I'm ahead seems like a good idea.
While I'm at it I should just scrap all the other ideas I have. I'm never going to get them done. Yes, I know, defeatist attitude. But let's face the music, I'm telling the god's honest truth. I have so many ideas but none of them can stand up on their own two feet. And I never really finish anything that doesn't have a clear goal in sight.
;_; oh Jaylyn, my perfect example of fail. How I love your character but have no place to put you because I CAN'T BUILD YOUR RETARDED POST APOCALYPTIC WORLD PROPERLY.
And the Shade.
And the Clarus dragons.
And my original idea for senior project.
And the list goes on and on and on my friends.
*Face desk* You would think after being tired all day I wouldn't still be up.