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norilys and
mouter The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing (and a prompt, please). In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. (If you absolutely can't write, maybe find a creative alternative?)
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Comments 70
Prompt: A romantic kind of lovemaking. Jin singing eternal to kame. Give Kame an adorable character. :)
because you want challenge, I want you to write the whole fic based on how you see me. I mean write the scenes the way you think how I'd write them. :D
imagine my joy of not doing this meme~ XD
Of course I won't skip it...it's not like you leaving me a choice *pouts* Or maybe I should end your LJ life and stalk you in RL so you'll end up talking to me again? XD And YOU! How dare you say you love me after that? *pouts* You just love to torture me! Such a S!!
Ma I guess I'll have to do my best~ Eh? You won't do it? That's unfair
I'm taking my spot, 'cause I have to thing carefully what to request from you.... xD
I'll go celebrate my little sister's b-day in the sushi place I mentioned on my "blogging" post... So I'll think carefully a good prompt for you and will come back later to tell you, ne~~
*hugs you*
Oh, happy birthday to Nori-chan's lil' sister~~ Yay~! XD I remember. It's your favorite sushi place right? Lucky~ Enjoy and...pictures? *laugh* I'll wait for you then~
*hugs back*
Okey so I came here and I want Akame (of course... but I was thinking about KamePi too... but at least I choose Akame). And the prompt... I have no idea why... but I wanted they're in the school. Jin is well known in the school. He had a power and every single girl loved him. And then Kazuya came to the school. And he got too much attention from girls which were adore Jin. So Jin get mad for him...
Yeah, that's prompt is bad... so I'm gonna back with another one.
It's not bad at all! It's actually very interesting~ ;) So Jin as the 'idol' in school and then Kame comes and takes all the attention away from him. Oh what do you mean by a power? a supernatural power? Or you just meant he is strong? But I like it...Jin vs Kazuya hahaha
Yes, it's not bad Teddy Bear~ ;)
No, no, no. No supernatural power. I just mean that he control whole school and even teachers indulged him. For example if Jin isn't want to write a test, they're fine with that and gives him another term. He has power in school. He control everything... except Kazuya. So he got irritating.
I see, I see~ So he's the 'boss' of the school! Sounds great~ Thank you for such a nice prompt. Here's hoping I won't disappoint my Teddy Bear~ But wait, I should be confident right? I'll do my best so wait for it~
Will be thinking of what I want to ask~ La nuit porte conseil comme on dit ;D
Kazuya and Jin used to be in the same high school.They didn't talk much,but Kazuya had a crush on Jin.
Years later,they meet again and decide to stay in touch.The situation ends up being reversed:Jin is the one who falls in love with Kazuya.
Haha,sorry,I hope this isn't too complicated!! ^_^;;; I've had this idea for a while but as I haven't written anything in ages,I thought it could be a good occasion XD If you don't like it or find it too complicated,I'll try to search for another one XD
Just to know...Did Jin have feelings for Kazuya before? Does Kazuya still have feeling for Jin now?
But yes, I actually like the idea. Thank you for being kind to me ♥
Akame will be. Be back later with a prompt :P
I mean...It's only 00.35 am here, but if I would have lost YOUR meme because of time zone....grrrr...
LOL for the french comments above XD
But time zones are indeed a pain *glare with you* :P
Sure~ Will wait for your prompt then ^^"
And since time zones are stupid and cruel, I'm going to bed now *laughs*
Will be back with a super prompt tomorrow :D or at least I hope so>/strike> ♥
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