Mar 05, 2010 21:36
Thanks to the generosity of improved Pell Grants and CUNY scholarships and, lets be honest, my totally bad ass GPA I can afford to study abroad this summer despite being a poor brown person. THUS I AM GOING TO MOROCCO TO LEARN ARABIC.
Not only will it be awesome because hello, Morocco, but it will also be gravy on my resume. Do I have high profile government internships? YES. Do I have critical needs language? YES. Why yes Department of State, I would love to work for you, thank you so much for your generous benefits package and tuition reimbursement program!
Also, I have scraped pennies together and pre-ordered the Dragon Age expansion. I also took advantage and bought Bioshock and Gears of War. Yes, yes, gamers, I suck because these awesome games are awesome but have been out for years and how dare I not have played them sooner BLASPHEMY!
And I say to you--you shelled out 60 bucks for them. I paid 16.95. OK.
I'm feeling good, my uterus is being less-than-hideous, I've got shiny things on the horizon, and I'm close to graduating. My life is pretty great right now.