What's with the back?

Sep 01, 2005 17:46

And so, the circus has begun. Today I spent 2-and-a-half hours in the hospital getting examined, x-rayed and beraved of my precious blood. With seemingly no results whatsowever, but at least thare are some things I can exclude right now. I am not giving up that easily. I am sure I have many more tests and hospitals yet to come, but I WILL find out what I wrong with me. Bring it!

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Is rumble_bird best described as a badger, a mushroom, or a snake?I think he'd like to hear snake, but snake's aren't cuddly! Neither are mushrooms...How would athiel_draaick survive on a desert island?She would cast Innate Cuteness and get the inhabitants of the next island to help her out of of pity. She would the slowly start taking over the island and working on her goddess-status. Did molotov02 take the blue pill, or the red pill?Red pill, definitely. And be quite the fanatic too.What do you find admirable about phalar_reign?The fact that he has an opinion about many things and stands for it. He is very reliable.
And I am talking Onno here, Phalar is a different story ;)What is pasje's favorite movie?This, I seriously do not know. And I am ashamed. This supports me in my belief that we should meet up again soon. Maybe she could show me het favorite movie?Why shouldn't butterfly_wt and lievonneke be a couple?They are to much alike. Both sweet, caring, giggly and female. It would be a Battle of the Cuties beyond compare. Let's don't.Whom is haarbal attracted to?I don't know. As long as it is made out of chocolate, I'd say.What would the minions of webshark's army look like?This would be pointless to describe. Webshark is about a zillion times more into electronics, and I am surely getting mecha-visions here. However...*gets visions from huge Scotsmen launching scary and overarmed little blonde girls from their backpacks*If yemors and janestarz were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?Yemors would be the one designing and making the gadgets. Jane would be flying around in a stunning and very sexy outfit. WITH the gadgets. W00t!What historical figure does sna most remind you of?There is something VERY Leonardo da Vinci-ish about him. Sna is much better looking though.How long have you known lupijn?Not nearly long enough. In what ways are you smarter than cryssiewillow?I do learn much easier, but that definitely doesn't make me smarter. It only makes me know more ;)Does sjuuls look better with long hair?Yes. I've seen the pictures. What is the most embarrassing thing you know about ghost_musician?I am not gonna post that on a public journal. Period.

(But is has something to do with fishing, custard and a couple of female show-wrestlers. And a moose.)Will m1ss_ann_thropy ever amount to anything?Of course she will. Maybe she will amount to this big overload of ideas and energy. Oh wait, she already has. Uh-oh.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?
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