Aug 04, 2014 14:34
Moving has been super stressful this year. Jessie and I moved a bunch of stuff that would fit in our cars to a garage Tuesday night. Jessie had moved a ton of boxes before I had gotten off work so she was pretty dead after we moved the couch so we quit for the night. The next day Jessie had to work both her jobs so she couldn't help move anything else. On Wednesday mom and dad came to help and we had a ton of setbacks so it took way longer than I thought it would. The vacuum cleaner was acting up so mom spent a lot of time trying to fix it. Turns out it was beyond repair and we ended up having to get a new one. I ended up doing all of the cleaning by myself because Jessie was tired when she finally got off work and she had to be up early the next day to work again and Curtis left and never came back. After I had most of the stuff done ( I decided to save the kitchen for the morning while I was waiting for the carpet cleaners to come) I took a much needed shower. While in the shower I couldn't stop sneezing eventually some blood started to come up which scared the shit out of me so I had a mild panic attack about that too. I feel like I didn't do a great job cleaning but I was exhausted and frustrated that I had to do it alone. I found out that the people that lived there before us decided to move back in and they didn't do a great job cleaning so I guess it works out in the end.
I was homeless as soon as I turned in my keys so I decided to go to stomping grounds to eat and kill some time. Jessie felt bad about not helping with cleaning so she paid for my meal. Then I had more time to kill until Melissa got off work so I ran some errands and was going to hang out at the library for a while. Jessie got a call from our landlords and it turns out the people that were living in our new place didn't clean or move out half their shit. You guys probably saw the picture that Jessie posted on Facebook of our front yard full of random junk, that was what was left after people had gone through and picked out the good stuff. The inside of the house was a disaster, our landlords gave us the option to clean it ourselves and they would take twenty dollars off our rent for every hour we spent cleaning. It sounded like a great plan at the time but now I regret it. We figured it wouldn't be too bad to clean it ourselves and then we wouldn't be homeless because we could at least sleep on the floors here. The people that lived here before us had two dogs at at least one cat and I'm pretty sure they never bothered to clean. There was so much dirt and dust and hair everywhere I can't imagine how they lived here in those conditions. Someone came to clean the carpets so I figured at least they would be clean but it turns out they didn't bother to vacuum before they cleaned the carpets. In my room alone I bet I filled up my vacuum cleaner at least five times. This cleaning this is going to take quite a while.
via ljapp