Brad was naked/ had pants up to his arm pits. whichever you feel is best you perverted bastard. the night was coooold. i mean, the nigger was cooooool. gamzee found a tampon in the bathroom and shoved it up his nose. sweet motherfucker. It belonged to the all mighty ancestor of Karkat Vantas, mrs. Saparr, which had the most delicate color of blood of all, motherfucking pink, motherfucker. OW YEAH. g. G is an awesome fairy from the underworld, she had wings, and a rifle, and shit. and she was in lol with gamzee. they got marrried and had beautiful half kids half humans.
So as the story goes on, the kids become men, half mermaid half man, and they marry each other, and eat g. G meta, gamzee goes crazy and becomes a.
A is half clown half demon, half cake, half robot, half a lie. He believes he can fly, because he's a lie, a lie that flies with ghost!g, and mermaid gamzee. AMEN. BECOME ANEW EVERYONE! and happy hannukah~