Oct 21, 2004 09:46
so i got a new pair of jeans from the kickass-consignment-shop a week ago. didn't try 'em on before i bought them, just looked at the tag and took 'em. Yesterday i decided to wear them, so i put them on, check out my ass in the mirror and put my hands in the pockets to smooth 'em, ya know how pants pockets sometimes get all bunched up, and what do i find in the pocket but a wadded-up ten dollar bill, you ask? NOTHING, STUPID, I FOUND A WADDED-UP TEN-DOLLAR-BILL.
the jeans cost me $5, so i just made five bucks and a cute pair of jeans in this deal and THAT is why you ALWAYS buy consignment.
going out with ray and his mom n' dad tomorrow ^_^ i can't wait. his parents are hilarious.
then girlie road trip to boston saturday n' sunday!! to see cross and robin and ren faire!
i have a headache. didn't drink any coffee yesterday--wanted to see if i could do it-- and suffered some little headaches, nothing too bad. think i'm gonna have some today, and dammit i left my calzone in ray's refrigerator again DON'T EAT MY CALZONE RAY. ♥
Yesterday was a great day... picked up Ceili, brought her home, took care of her till joan and abbey came home-- it was an early day for me, which was a nice little surprise, so i got to go over to Ray's two hours earlier than i thought i was gonna ^_^ and we got Pagliacci's (which is now my favorite restaurant because it has the two things i need in an italian restaurant-- passable bread and REALLY AWESOME RANCH DRESSING), then we just chilled over at his house. I love just hanging out with him, watching tv, snuggling, just relaxing... i've been so tired lately, and lethargic, for no real reason. but whatever, i'm getting over it. Anyways, i got to spend the night with the greatest boyfriend ever and i am very happy, the end, great story kari! and now i gotta get ready to pick up Ceiliiiiiiiiyaahhhh!