Mar 19, 2004 09:38
Just got in from Sage club's rock/electro night, & I'm feeling pretty gloomy. Again.
Why is it that every time I update LJ I'm feeling this way? Hrmmm... probably because when I'm happy & bouncy I'm generally to busy to sit in front of a 'puter & the like.
The last two weeks have had a series of disappointments regarding the apartment situation. Myself & two friends, Ali & Arne, have lost 3 (yes, three) through either being a foreigner (me), not having immediate access to savings (Ali) or not having found a person to take over an existing contract in time (Arne). We were the successful applicants on the latter two apartments too, which makes it even more infuriating. Damnit, damnit, damnit!!
I'm ready, willing & able to move in somewhere asap, & have hard cash to pay upfront, but I just need to find somewhere & get over the language barrier. :( I'm even looking further afield now, to areas such as Weißensee, Pankow & Köpenick... wherever it takes, provided the heating is decent. I'm getting pretty desperate now. I want to start seriously looking for work of some sort (probably dancing again), & staying in a hostel is hardly an ideal base for that sort of work... I dunno, I guess I'm feeling pretty isolated & lonely right now.
On a happier note, I've been writing a lot, & am now very thankful of having learnt to read & write music when I was younger, albeit badly. I can only still manage treble clef (or rather, I hope I still can) but that's enough for the time being I think. I've been writing a lot of lyrics too, although they're along the lines of bitchy, bitter & twisted love songs again. With the usual dose of sex & decadence. Predictable, moi? :))
Anyways. I think I'm gonna head out tonight to one of the various EBM/Wave nights that are on. If anyone has any particular recommendations, they'd be greatly appreciated, especially along the lines of more SynthiePop-friendly nights... & anything like that coming up in the next few weeks too. :)
Surely I can't be the only person in Berlin who likes Distain!...? :)