Mar 04, 2006 23:09
Section A: About You
How old are you?: 17
Male or female?: female
What country are you from?: USA
How often do you listen to M5?: once in a while
If you're married: Does your spouse like M5? (Skip this question if you're not married.):
If you live at home with Mom and/or Dad: Do your parents like M5? (Skip this question if you don't live at home with Mom
and/or Dad.): my
If you have kids: Do your kids like M5? (Skip this question if you don't have kids.):
Aside from M5, which other artists are your favorite?: the killers, something corporate, dashboard confessional
Section B: M5 Fandom
About when did you become a M5 fan?: 2004
Were you ever a member of SIN, the official M5 fan club?: no
Are you currently a paying member of SIN?: no
If YES, do you plan to renew your SIN membership? (Skip this question if you're not a paying SIN member.):
Have you ever tried to convert someone into a M5 fan?: no
Have you ever traveled to Los Angeles because of M5?: no
Have you ever had a dream in which at least one member of M5 appeared?: strangely yes
Have you ever had a M5 band member sign something for you?: no
Do you have a collection of any M5 memorabilia or merchandise? (i.e. - something more than common albums and singles): no
Do you own any M5 bootlegs?: no
If YES, how many? (Skip this question if you don't own any M5 bootlegs.):
Is M5 on your iPod? (Skip this question if you don't own an iPod.): yes
Has M5 inspired you to join an organization or become active in some cause or campaign?: no
Section C: M5 & The Web
When did you discover this message board?: when ali told me about it
How many M5-related mailing lists do you read? (If any, which ones?): none
How many M5-related Forums / Message Boards are you registered on? (If any, which ones?): none
How often do you post a message on a M5-related mailing list or Forum / Message Board?: never
Have you ever blogged about M5 on your own blog?: no
Have you ever made a M5-related web page? (i.e. - non-blog): no
Have you ever downloaded a M5 album or song(s) from an album without paying for it?: no
On a typical day, about how much time do you spend visiting M5-related web sites or blogs?: no time
Section D: The Band
Who is your favorite band member?: adam and ryan
Which band members have you met?: (Skip this question if you have not yet met the band.):
Who is the best musician in M5?: adam
Which band member would win on the TV show SURVIVOR?: i dont know
Which band member would win on the TV quiz game JEOPARDY?: i dont know
Which band member would win on the TV show BIG BROTHER?: i dont know
Which band member's personality seems closest to yours?: i dont know
What is M5's worst fashion mistake?: those jeans with the hole
How much longer will M5 be together and making new music?: for
Section E: The Albums
Do you own Songs About Jane?: yes
Do you own 01.22.03 Acoustic?: yes
Do you own Friday The 13th?: no
What's your least favorite M5 song?: i forget what its called
What is the most underrated M5 song?: must get out
What's your favorite M5 album cover?: none really
Which song has the best overall lyrics?: must get out
Should M5 rerecord The Fourth World w/ James?: that question is like gibberish
Have you ever heard of Square or own the album?: no
Section F: The Songs
What's your favorite song from Songs About Jane?: must get out
What's your favorite song from 01.22.03 Acoustic?: highway to hell
What's your favorite song from Friday The 13th?: dont own it
What is your favorite B-side or non-album track?: none
What is your favorite M5 soundtrack song?: none
What is M5's best instrumental song?: no idea
What's the best cover song M5 has done?: highway to hell
What is M5's and/or Adam's best collaboration with another artist?: none
How do you feel about remixes of M5 songs?: no
Which music video is your favorite?: dont know
Section G: Tours
How many M5 concerts have you seen live? (i.e. - not on TV, etc.): 1
When did you see your first M5 concert in person?: 2005? in boston
What's the farthest you've traveled to see M5 live in concert?: boston
What's the most you've ever spent on a M5 concert ticket?: (in U.S. dollars) 40?
What do you think of M5's concert ticket prices?: rip off
What's your favorite M5 tour?: honda civic
Where would you prefer to see a M5 concert?: bostons good
If you could go back to see one of these M5 concerts / performances, which would you choose?: the only one i went to
At a concert, which would you prefer to do?:
01. Pick the set list
02. Watch from backstage *****
03. Have Adam dedicate a song to me
04. Take over for one song on vocals, guitar, bass, or drums
05. Dance with Adam
What old Kara's Flowers song should M5 play live for the first time in along time?: none
If M5 decides it's time to release one of their Kara's Flowers songs as a single, and they ask you for a suggestion, what
song would you suggest they release?: none
What is M5's best live song? highway to hell
What's your favorite M5 TV apperance?: i dont know
Section H: Final Thoughts
What do you think of Adam's solo projects?: eh
You see a Maroon 5 member and his family eating a quiet dinner alone. Do you interrupt them?: yea i would
Which of these would you most want to do?:
01. Interview M5.
02. Watch them make an album.
03. Watch them make a music video. *****
04. Work on the crew for their next tour.
Who is your favorite M5 "associate"?: who knows that
What has been M5's defining moment?: dont know
It's M5's last concert. What song should they play last?: swbl
wow cuz that wasnt a waste of time or anything