(no subject)

Feb 23, 2006 21:14


Sad Section
Ever really cried your heart out? yea
Ever cried yourself to sleep? yea
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? yea
Ever cried over the opposite sex ? yea
Do you cry when you get an injury? yea
Do certain songs make you cry? yea

Happy Section
Are you a happy person? sometimes
Do you wish you were happier? sometimes
Can music make you happy? yea

Love Section
How many times have you had your heart broken? um none id say...im quite resilient. actually no. probably once.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? no

Hate Section
Who do you actually hate? no one
Have you ever been on a hit list? no idea
Are you a mean bully? no

Self Esteem Section
Is your self-esteem extremely low? sometimes
Are you good looking? no
Do you wish you can be someone else? no

Looks Section
Whats your natural hair color? blonde
what is your eye color? blu
Current Piercings? my ears
Straight Hair or Curl? straight/wavy

What shirt are you wearing? red turkey dip shirt
Shorts/pants? pj pants
Belts? none
Shoes? none
Necklaces? none
Current Mood: eh
Current Music: none
Current hair: in a towel
Current annoyance: people in general

The Last
person you talked to in person:? brad
person you talked to online:? jen
person you talked to on the phone? my mom
last time you had a shower? like 5 minutes ago
Do you like surveys? yes
What kind of shampoo do you use? garnier fructis
Do you get along with your parents? sometimes
Are you old enough to vote?: no
Are you old enough to drive?: yea
Do you have mental breakdowns? sometimes

This or That
Rock or rap: rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: coffee
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Bracelet or Necklace: necklace
History or Science: science
Sleep in or Early to rise: sleep in
California or Florida: california
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: sp

Have You Ever
Hugged someone?: yea
Been on the phone until the sun came up? no
Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? no
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? no but close
Got in a fight with someone?: yea
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