(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 01:01

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bike punx:
    one less car on the streets you capitalist bastard!
    up the punx!
  2. combat boots:
    nato combat boots are the perfection in shoe design.
    waterproof and highly durable. i've worn mine for ten years and they might go another ten with some glue and duct tape.
  3. doom:
    propably the best known doom band in the world is black sabbath.
    i love doom, specially early 70's UG shit like bedemon & pentagram. this also refers to the english crustcore legends, DooM (A)(E)
  4. friends:
    what would i do without these people?
  5. japanese:
    funny language.
  6. melancholy:
    productive state of mind.
  7. oriental food:
    thai cuisine is my fave.
  8. riot:
    what makes a day better than a good ol riot.
  9. stencils:
    the form of art that intrigues me the most at the moment.
  10. weather:
    its all i can talk about.

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