I'm working on an online photo album of pics from Oxford and Clemson - if any of you have any digital and/or scanned photos from our time in Clemson - could you please send them my way? Thanks!
yeah, actually, why dont you give me your mailing address and i'll put them on a CD. there are way too many photos to make emailing any fun at all. plus that way i can give you everything you might want.
btw... did you photoshop me out of one of the album cover pics (the one for sr yr)? i seem to remember being next to mike in one of those pics and there seems to be some odd tree/leaf repetition going on over his right shoulder...
not that i'd be mad if i were photoshopped out, that pic (sans scott) works really well as a senior year snapshot for you guys.
thanks! I've got the server for at least two years, so feel free to continue to use it for photo storage
haha - you've caught me! - no actually that's a different pic - I used the first one, the one without you in it, just because it was easier to make that size of a thumbnail out of (if I used the small one from facebook everyone would be blurry) - when I get the full size I'll use that one. Or I can photoshop you into the one I already have, like some universities do with black people.
clemson, ahem, auburn, ahem... anyway, yeah thanks for the server rights!!
i think it would be cool if you photoshopped yourself into every pic in there, maybe like a tiny tiny matt, at odd angles... a sort of digital signature if you will.
either using an FTP program and entering in the information I gave you, or, you can use IE:
enter in ftp://goodlyframe.net into the web address bar, you'll get an error, then to go File---> Login As ----> under username put smirabi@goodlyframe.net and password put noquarter.
edit: what is your email address?
Scott I've seen some graduation ones on your facebook account - is it possible I can get some full size versions of those?
address: ftp.goodlyframe.net
username: smirabi@goodlyframe.net
password: noquarter
UNLIMITED SPACE! (Well I have 15 gigs total)
btw... did you photoshop me out of one of the album cover pics (the one for sr yr)? i seem to remember being next to mike in one of those pics and there seems to be some odd tree/leaf repetition going on over his right shoulder...
not that i'd be mad if i were photoshopped out, that pic (sans scott) works really well as a senior year snapshot for you guys.
haha - you've caught me! - no actually that's a different pic - I used the first one, the one without you in it, just because it was easier to make that size of a thumbnail out of (if I used the small one from facebook everyone would be blurry) - when I get the full size I'll use that one. Or I can photoshop you into the one I already have, like some universities do with black people.
i think it would be cool if you photoshopped yourself into every pic in there, maybe like a tiny tiny matt, at odd angles... a sort of digital signature if you will.
enter in ftp://goodlyframe.net into the web address bar, you'll get an error, then to go File---> Login As ----> under username put smirabi@goodlyframe.net and password put noquarter.
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