May 02, 2005 20:55
I guess it's about time I write. Where have I been? I've been trying to evaluate where my days have gone ... I'm still a wife, and a mother to a very social, not driving yet, just turned 16 teen (and the wife part has varied demands too!). Heather's been getting ready to leave for helping at a farm in Nebraska and doing a YWAM 6 month mission thing, so been helping her get through stuff. Then too, I've got more community calls on me, many unpredictable. But I've been home alot ... so where am I? ......... We have company right now - an old friend Bruce. Monte and him are listening to music. I was trying to read. So I decided to write.
I've posted many journalings in my head. If only technology could come to that place ... I'd have lots of stuff done!!!!
There's been calendar stuff come and gone too! I remember them in some way, but not by posting. Like a sedar type meal for earthday (which really probably came from the Jewish tree planting day. I'm not looking it up, but it's like: Tu'B'sh...). Then there was St George and the dragon story. I only remember it and mention it because it's so mentioned in literature and movies (like crusader type people). What's funny about it is that the Muslims like St George too. I think his memorial place is somewhere in the Middle East.
Then there was St Catherine of Siena Day. I really should read something of hers. Don't laugh, but on last year's MOPS info sheet about me, when asked who a heroine figure was in my life, I wrote her (most of the gals had cartoon figures they watched with their preschoolers. Or there was Opra.). Catherine would be the closest saint namesake for me - 'Karey'. She is one of 2 women (Teresa of Avila the other) the Church called a Doctor of the Church. (The Catholic Church really did allow women to have more of a voice than the protestant church did.) And for the days of no education and few women able to write, she wrote tons (dictated?) to kings, popes, etc. But the part of her story that touches me (hermit, contemplative me) is that after 3 years of secluding herself away, Jesus said, "The only way you can serve me, is in the service of your neighbor."
Then there's been lots of books I've wanted to talk about. I've read, and still in the midst of, several. I don't know why, but I ordered up from the library a biography on CGJung. It wasn't from a fellow psychiatrist or student, but written by a friend, a man who had grown up in southern Africa and is a novelist. I thought I'd just check the book out, skimming it, but the writing style caught me up. I really like the man, Jung. I see alot of his influence in current world culture.
I know some of you have read Brian McLaren books. I want to build to his recent release - the third in his trilogy, but enjoying more the Missing the Point book written with Tony Campolo. (I can visualize Campolo's facial expressions in his writing style since he's spoken at our church several times and at a church retreat.) All it does is verbalize what my intuition has brought me to, yet not put into words myself.
I just did a felting class at my house. Since some of my work has been put on display, there's been interest in the process. About 15 gals came. I showed the wet felting process and the newer needle punching process (which allows for more sculpting). Then everyone just went at it with me overseeing everyone and thoroughly enjoying everyone's creations. Everyone was so invigorated and felt their spirit refreshed (as was mine). A friend, watching me in action, says I need to do classes regularly. It's good to get affirmation for things I feel. Affirmation for my art, and that I AM AN ARTIST, has been good.
What else ... tomorrow I do a cooking 'class' with a gal who's family will come for the supper we create from scratch.
And Spring ... where is it? I am so sick of rain/slush/snow!!!!!!!!!!! I've grabbed moments outside weeding and transplanting stuff. I started seeds inside for the vegetable garden, and the seedlings are so stretching for sunlight (much like my spirit ... I'm about to die!!!!). I was listening this past weekend to an NPR show I like, What-a-ya-know (spell?) and they were live in Boulder. They left Wisconsin expecting warmth, only to get a foot of snow!
MOPS is almost done. But is my mentoring? There's some gals that want to get together with me. So I'm envisioning it carrying on into the summer. But it's been so good.
Anything else? I think that's all I can think of for now.