Cupcakes and Streamers

Aug 07, 2008 23:39

 Title: Cupcakes and Streamers
Characters: Lexie, Cristina, Meredith, mentions of others
Rating: PG for language
Premise: Lexie and Cristina disagree on Meredith's birthday

“What the hell did you do to Meredith’s locker?” Cristina gasped

“I decorated it for her birthday. Don’t you think it looks festive?” Lexie chirped

[I] Hannah, my dahling, this is for you! :kissy [/I]

People did not curl pink and silver sparkly streamers for thirty-first birthday parties, or bake ice cream cone cupcakes for women who tried to drown themselves in the bathtub. Apparently nobody had given Lexie Grey that memo though, because she seemed to think curling those bright and shiny ribbons were just the thing to perk Meredith up, and that her sister would adore the fun little novelty cupcakes that had icing the same shade of pink as the streamers.

“There,” she murmured taping, and then arranging, another bunch of pink and silver streamers on the outside of Meredith’s locker. She was completely oblivious to the raised eye brows Alex was giving her, or the bemused look on Izzie’s face. Not even George’s pained expression was registering with her. No, Lexie was lost in a world that revolved around celebrating her sister’s birthday.

“What the hell did you do to Meredith’s locker?” Cristina gasped from behind her. Startled, the dark haired intern spun around, almost losing her footing on the unraveled left over ribbon.

“I decorated it for her birthday. Don’t you think it looks festive?” Lexie chirped, turning back to tweak a ribbon back into place. It all had to be perfect, Meredith deserved perfect.

“It looks great, Lexie,” Izzie said, shooting Cristina a warning look. She elbowed Alex who muttered something about how pink and shiny it all was. No amount of elbowing or glaring could cajole anything out of George, though.

“It looks like Birthday Barbie puked,” Cristina scoffed, yanking open the locker that had been assigned to her just the other day. She had locker hopped so much she felt like a locker whore. There wasn’t a locker she hadn’t been inside of. Except, maybe, the one that was now decorated in honor of a woman who hated birthdays.

“Cristina,” Izzie moaned. She looked like she wanted to say more, but Alex whispering something in her ear stopped her. She murmured her goodbyes and hurried out of the locker room, both Alex and George following close behind.

“I think Meredith will like it,” Lexie challenged. She lifted her chin a notch and kept fidgeting with the bows. She wasn’t going to let Cristina ruin Meredith’s birthday for her. This was the first birthday they would be spending together, and it was going to be special, damn it.

“You don’t honestly think that do you?” Cristina snickered. Lexie pressed her lips together, and counted under her breath. It was clear she was trying to hold something back, trying to bite her tongue and keep the peace. “Because anyone who knows Meredith knows that she hates pink, and she hates birthdays.”

“What are you? The queen of fucking everything?” Lexie snapped. “Do you always have to know it all? I mean, seriously, Cristina you’ve gone from mildly irritating to fucking intolerable.” She let out a huff of air, and turned back to the locker. “Whether you like it or not, Meredith is my sister, and there are just some things I happen to know about her that you don’t!”

“Really? Like what?” Cristina demanded, still a bit shocked that number two had had the nerve to stand up to her.

“Like the fact that Meredith doesn’t hate birthdays. She just hasn’t ever had the chance to really celebrate them.” Lexie smirked. “And, she likes pink.”

“Meredith doesn’t like pink,” Cristina insisted. She wasn’t going to argue the birthday point because it sounded plausible. Meredith could like birthdays.

“Yes, she does.” Lexie argued. She hadn’t just randomly selected the color combination. She had spent all of last night milking Meredith for information, finding out the little things her sister had missed out on as a kid but always wanted. Pink and silver streamers had been one, and ice cream cone cupcakes with pink icing had been another. She knew these things and Cristina could just kiss her ass.

Anything Cristina would have come back with was bit off by Meredith’s sudden arrival. “Wow. What happened here?”

“Your father’s second daughter seems to think you will like this,” Cristina taunted, waiting for Meredith to laugh or at least give her a look that said she was annoyed by Lexie’s gesture. Instead, a fine sheen of tears welled up in Meredith’s eyes.

“You remembered,” she said softly, looking over at Lexie.

character: cristina, character: meredith, character: lexie, author: karevsanatomy

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