Lexie Grey Spills All

Jul 20, 2008 15:23

Title: Lexie Grey Spills Off
Characters: Lexie, Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, and Alex
Premise: A drunk Lexie spills the secrets she read in the intern files

“She use to have an addiction to online chat rooms,” I giggled. Cristina glared at me. I shrugged. It was true. If she hadn’t wanted the world to know that information she shouldn’t have gone to her college counselor for help. She had to of known that information would end up being shared with Seattle Grace. All important information concerning our mental health was shared. “Mostly the dirty talk one’s.”

“How does she know that?” Meredith asked. She turned her wild green eyes on me. “How do you know that?” I looked down, suddenly ashamed. “Lexie Grey, how do you know that?”

“She stole George’s key to the Chief’s office and read everyone’s files.” Cristina answered. There was still that mixture of pride and horror.

A cold gust of wind cut through my jacket as I stood outside Meredith’s house, a bottle of vodka gripped in one hand. I am not quite sure why I’m here. I should have been with Molly. It was our first Thanksgiving without Mom, after all. I just couldn’t say no when Meredith asked me to join her and her little “family” for dinner. Plus, I knew for a fact Molly had invited Dad, and I still am not able to deal with him.

I took a deep breath and knocked, gripping my bottle of wine even tighter. It was Izzie who answered. My usual feelings of jealousy toward the tall, beautiful blonde hit instantly. I’ve tried to like her, she really is a nice person, I just can’t. In the back of my mind she is the reason George and I can never be. “Hope I’m not late,” I greeted, trying my hardest to sound friendly.

“Not at all,” Izzie assured me, her dark eyes sparkling as she let me in. She had dressed for the occasion in a cheery pink sweater, snug faded jeans, and cozy looking Ugg boots. While the clothes were simple, they made my black dress and boots look inferior. She always made me feel inferior, always made me aware that I was never going to be her. And, the worse part of it all, she didn’t even know it.

I followed her inside, licking my lips nervously. Izzie offered to take the wine and my jacket. Reluctantly, I slid out of the dark gray pea coat, handing it over. I shifted around self conscientiously when she gushed over how pretty I looked. “Thanks,” I mumbled. I was saved from further conversation when Alex thundered down the stairs. He was looking better and better each day. Rebecca had taken so much out of him, and for the longest time he had looked like a ghost. It was good to see him looking almost like his former self. “Hey Alex.”

“Lexie,” he muttered, stepping around me. He grabbed Izzie’s arm. “We need to talk.” Izzie sighed, and then nodded. So much for not feeling awkward, I thought with a grimace. I cleared my throat and then walked into the living room. Cristina, a bottle of tequila in hand, sat on the couch. I hated and admired her both at the same time. She was my teacher, the person I was to watch and learn everything I needed to learn from. Yet, she was also my main obstacle between my sister and I. I could see the way Meredith was torn. Her “chosen” sister and the one she was forced to claim.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” I said meekly. I took a seat in the chair to the left of the sofa, sitting on the very edge, my knees pressed together. Cristina barely acknowledged my greeting. In fact, all I got was a grunt. “So, exciting surgery, yesterday huh?” It had been exciting yesterday. It wasn’t too often we got a hermaphrodite in who wanted to have their penis extracted from inside their body and keep their vagina as well. I am still in awe over how Dr. Sloan managed the feat.

“Yeah.” Cristina mumbled, raising the bottle of tequila to her lips. I watched as she downed the fiery liquor as though it was water. “Real exciting.”

“So, um, where’s Meredith?” I asked. I knew the minute the question left my mouth I shouldn’t have asked it. Meredith was always a taboo subject with Cristina and I.

“I don’t, Lexie, where is your sister? I mean, because the two of you are just so close,” Cristina sneered. I wanted to believe her surly attitude was because of the liquor, but I knew better. She resented me, and Meredith practically begging me, in front of her, to come today most likely hadn’t helped any.

I worked the top off the bottle of vodka I had brought. It had been meant to help with some sauce Izzie was going to make, but in all fairness I deserved the extra kick more than some fancy sauce. I shuddered as it flamed down my throat. “God,” I breathed, taking another drink immediately after.

“…doesn’t mean anything!” Izzie yelled storming into the living room. Her face was flushed and looked ready to cry. I scooted back in the chair, trying hard to keep my legs pressed together. I know it sounds silly, but in my head all I can hear is my mom saying not to flash my business at everyone. So, that is what I am trying to do, not flash my business, ignore Cristina, and keep my mouth shut while Izzie prattled on about Alex trying to transfer his emotions for Rebecca onto her.

“Do I look like I care?” Cristina asked, her voice muffled and echoing as she had the tequila bottle pressed to her lips once more. I followed suit and took another long swig of vodka. “I mean, seriously, do I look like I really give a crap that you’re too stupid to see what is right in front of you?”

I almost choked. Burning liquor flew out my nose. “She’s not stupid. She graduated college with a 4.0.” I choked again, this time from the shock of having spilled something I wasn’t suppose to know. I could see my disbelief mirrored on Izzie’s face. “Sorry. I was trying to help George. And I kinda read your file. By the way, I think it is so cool that you put yourself through college by modeling and that you did it all online or going to school at night.”

“You got your pre-med degree online?” Cristina gapped for a second, and then burst into laughter. “Seriously? You got your degree online?”

The tears that had been glimmering in Izzie’s eyes start to spill down her cheeks. I couldn’t believe Cristina was being so cruel. I thought it was amazing Izzie had struggled and done what she could to get where she is. Wasn’t that what was important? Where she was today? “At least she didn’t get academic suspension for having sex with three of her teachers. Two of them at the same time,” I snickered. Yeah, I had been holding that tid bit back for just the right moment. It felt good to get it out there, to see the look of horror on Cristina’s face. “Yeah. I read your’s too.” I smiled knowingly. There was more in that file that I could use on her. The short say in a mental hospital after her father died. The not to so glowing letters of recommendation that labeled her as a superior medical machine but cold and lacking in bedside manner.

“How did you get in to read them?” Izzie demanded. She had scooted to the side of the sofa that was closest to my chair, knocking Cristina out of the way. “I mean, aren’t those suppose to be confidential?”

I scrunched down, clutching my bottle of Vodka. I needed another drink before delving into George’s situation. “George has a key to the Chief’s office,” I squeaked out. “He was really down about his score on the intern exam. He wanted to know by how much he had failed and on what part. I tried to get him to go look at his file…just his file…but he wouldn’t.”

“Because Bambi has morals!” Cristina hissed. I looked at her in warning. Did she really want to go there with me? Oh the stuff I could unleash about her. She suddenly seemed to realize I had that power and stopped.

“So, I did. Only when I got in there I seen every one else’s file. Originally I was only going to look at George’s. And then I got curious about Meredith.” I took another drink. Not a good idea, I might add, because I cannot hold my liquor. Two beers and I am a goner. I don’t even want to think about what the hard stuff is going to do to me. “She doesn’t like to let people in,” I explained. “I thought if I knew more about her, found something we had in common…other than Thatcher’s fucked up DNA…we might be able to get closer.”

“What’s going on?” Meredith asked from the arched entry way. Behind her stood Alex. I slid even further down, only half aware that I wasn’t keeping my legs pressed together. Thankfully Izzie was kind enough to tug my skirt down before too many people got a good look at my Smurf blue panties.

“Your sister broke into the Chief’s office and read everyone’s file.” Cristina said, her voice slightly full of amazement. “Izzie got her pre-med degree online.”

“Will stop saying it like that,” Izzie shrieked. She hopped up, standing over Cristina. “I took a few online classes through the University of Washington because, unlike you, I had to pay for college on my own!” She looked around anxiously and grabbed up a throw pillow. To my amusement and Meredith’s horror, she started walloping Cristina in the head with it. “And stop saying I’m too stupid to see what is in front of me. I’m not.”

“Get her off me,” Cristina yelled.

“Alex lied and said he had only one ball,” I blurted out. The room stilled. I gulped, fully aware that the attention was now back on me. I wasn’t sure I wanted it. “Uh, yeah, he wrote a letter saying he had cancer and had to have a ball removed. Which so is not true. I’ve seen him naked and there were definitely two boys down there.”

“You said you had cancer?” Izzie gapped in Alex’s direction. To his credit Alex had the decency to look some what ashamed. At least I think that is what he was feeling. I don’t know him well enough to be sure. “You seriously want some bad Karma don’t you?”

“ITA with Barbie.” Cristina nodded.

“This isn’t the net Cristina,” Alex barked. He wedged himself between Cristina and Izzie on the couch. Neither woman looked to pleased to have him sitting there. I can’t blame them.

“She use to have an addiction to online chat rooms,” I giggled. Cristina glared at me. I shrugged. It was true. If she hadn’t wanted the world to know that information she shouldn’t have gone to her college counselor for help. She had to of known that information would end up being shared with Seattle Grace. All important information concerning our mental health was shared. “Mostly the dirty talk one’s.”

“How does she know that?” Meredith asked. She turned her wild green eyes on me. “How do you know that?” I looked down, suddenly ashamed. “Lexie Grey, how do you know that?”

“She stole George’s key to the Chief’s office and read everyone’s files.” Cristina answered. There was still that mixture of pride and horror.

“Oh. My. God. Lexie!” Meredith looked at me, her expression hard to read. “Did you read mine?” The question was low, almost so quiet I didn’t hear it. I nodded my head, unable to look my sister in the eyes. “How could you? I trusted you. And you…you didn’t trust me enough to just ask me things? You had to go behind my back and look at my personal file?”

I looked up in horror. It hadn’t been that way at all. “I was only going to look at George’s. He was so down and out about all of you being residents and he was stuck being an intern again. He wanted to know why he failed. How much he failed by. What he failed on. I was just going to help him out. I promise. And then…I don’t know…I have a problem okay! I have this stealing problem and I stole the files. I stole them and I looked. It wasn’t on purpose. I know I shouldn’t have, it’s just…I have feelings okay? I have feelings for George and I thought I was helping out. Which I did, because the Chief let him retake the test and now he’s with you guys. And I don’t’ see him hardly at all anymore except when he comes home to sleep.” I babbled on and on, spilling it all out. My feelings for George. How much I hated Izzie because I knew she could take George back if she wanted to. How scared I was that Cristina would steal Meredith away. I even spilled out the way Alex had accidentally called me Izzie the first time we had sex.

When I was done, the living room had fallen into an eerie quiet that had me squirming. It was Izzie who broke the silence. She looked at me and said “Lexie, if something where to happen between you and George, I wouldn‘t stand in your way. I wouldn‘t try and take him from you. He deserves some one who is kind and nice. That‘s you. You‘re kind and nice. Even if you are a file clepto.” Relief washed through me, and for once I didn‘t feel animosity toward her. She smiled at me, and then looked at Alex. “You called her my name?”

Alex looked at me, annoyed that I had opened my mouth no doubt. I shrugged, resisting the urge to giggle. “Thanks a lot,” he muttered before turning to look at Izzie. “It wasn’t on purpose.”

“Still,” Izzie said slowly. She looked as though her mind was working. I could almost see the little gears turning. It was starting to click, I thought. She is starting to realize what all of us had realized for quite a while now: Alex was in love with her. “You know, I think you’re right. I think we should talk.” She stood up, her face pale. For a minute I thought she was going to fall over. She didn’t though, she just took a deep breath and led Alex out of the living room.

“I’m warning you right now, if you so much as breath one word about my internet addiction or that threesome, I will make your life a living hell,” Cristina snarled. She looked ready to bite my head off. So much for power.

“Cristina, go.” Meredith snapped. I blinked, unsure I had actually heard right. Cristina looked as though she wasn’t sure she did either. “I’m serious. Go check on the Turkey or something. See if the little thingy has popped up.” I was a bit astonished when Cristina actually obeyed. With her gone, Meredith turned her sole attention on me. She sat in the spot Izzie had vacated, her knees almost touching mine. “Lexie, look at me.” Slowly, I lifted my head. “I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know the rules or whatever it is that sisters have. And that isn’t your fault. It’s…it’s nobody’s fault really. It’s just…a fact. One we have to learn to deal with.” I nodded. I understood. We weren’t ever going to have the sister bond I wanted. It killed me to realize that. “I’m going to suck at times. I’ll forget you exist or something. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m just that way. I do it all the time. You can ask Derek. He’ll tell you. I suck at being the warm, fuzzy person. It doesn’t mean I don’t care though, because I do. I care a lot. You’re my sister. The only family I really have. And nobody, not even Cristina, can take that from us.” I was speechless, completely speechless. I slowly lifted my arms to return her embrace when she hugged me. She wanted me. My sister wanted me. “So,” she said after we moved apart, “what’s this business about you having a crush on George?”

cristina, meredith, lexie, grey's anatomy, alex, izzie

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