sick call

Sep 14, 2004 07:28

Weird things going around at work.

My boss broke a tooth yesterday, so she's going to be missing some time this week to get it fixed. BP, Mr. Mellow Man, broke his braces (he won't tell us how, drat him). LH has had a very bad flare up of carpel tunnel. SM is seeing her orthopedist because she hasn't been following his orders about what she can and can't do while her broken arm heals - he's contemplating making her keep the arm immobile for a while.

LG, from a neighboring group, just got back from having his appendix out; GG, former manager in my department, had a bad car accident over the weekend and will be out of work for some time; OP's son has a serious viral infection, and JK is having tests this morning for gallstones. She's been feeling poorly for over a week - she went to the ER on Friday and they told her it was just gastronomical distress that would pass. It didn't so she went to a new doctor yesterday (her old doctor switched to a different HMO), and he thought she had gallstones. (which was the lay diagnosis of a couple of us who are gall bladder-less.)

Knock on wood - I've only used two days of sick leave in the past 12 months.
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