Fright Night Fic Masterlist

Oct 05, 2011 19:22

Okay, well... here goes. You asked for it. Kinda. Like, most of you guys did answer absolutely. So. Don't judge. For those of you not familiar with kinkmemes.... People prompt with what they'd like to see and an inspired writer responds. It's all comment fic. That is, short and unbeta'd, so bear that in mind. I'm long-winded, so most are... 3 comments long [ETA: *coughormorecough*]. I think a couple are 2. So between a thousand to two thousand words. And these were all posted anonymously which, you know, frees you a bit (TO BE SMUTTY). In any case, I'm coming out to all of you and saying yes, I do write Fright Night fic. Yes, some of it is filthy. I hate giving specifics in warnings, but in case of squick factors, I will, so you can avoid whatever isn't your bag. Links are to the meme. Posted in reverse chronological order, that is, newest first (so yeah, I did eventually get on that Peter/Charley train. A lot.). Comments there (anon or otherwise) are very welcome. :)

ETA: Up to 24 fics, now. I may have um... fallen rather hard.
ETA2: Or 25... Or, you know, 26.

Title: Evil
Rating: Adult for het vampire on vampire shenanigans
Pairing: Ed/Amy
Prompt: Amy/Ed (or Amy/Charley/Ed) - unexpected attraction, minion!sex. You could dick with the film's timeline/go slightly AU and they can be minion buddies together and fuck in Jerry's ?basement? - creepy and raw, but sort of cute in its own weird way. ..[long prompt is long]
A/N: Ok, this might be the first time I've written smut for a character I don't find remotely sexy. Sorry Ed. But I felt bad for him even though he tried to kill our heroes. Because if he hadn't died, he would have been UNvamped. This is a fic where Charley misses. And then Ed shags vamp!Amy. IDEK, you guys. I needed to write something.

Title: Owned
Rating: Adult for vampire/human m/m shenanigans
Pairing: Jerry/Peter
Prompt: Jerry/Peter - Established relationship, canon or not :)
A/N: Established relationship? In canon? They said it couldn't be done. Okay, I said it couldn't be done. And did it anyway. Sortakinda. It takes some handwaving. And some character and timeline tweaking, but I tried. Possible squicks: the usze. Buttsecks, some brief biting/blood-drinking, Peter feeling sorry for himself. Wut?

Title: Take
Rating: ADULT, for fairly explicit male threeway sex.
Pairing: Jerry/Peter/Charley. With an emotional emphasis on Peter/Charley and a physical one on Jerry/Peter. What?
Prompt: Jerry/Peter/Charley. I don't care who's turned and who isn't, or if it's non-con or dub-con or con. Go wild with it.
A/N: An AU where Peter and Charley don't win and DO get turned. I brought that angst to this party! Also, smut. But mostly angst. Possible squicks: There's a bit a roughness, but everything is consensual. Vampire buttsecks! And oral. And emo!vampire!Peter. ;)

Title: Inspiration
Rating: Adult, for m/m shenanigans.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley, worship. Peter is feeling the need to express how grateful he is to Charley for everything and kisses him all over. Slowly.
A/N: I combined this prompt with a drabble that inspired me. Actually, I sorta made the fic fit this prompt when I just wanted to write to the drabble. Which I didn't write, but I did supply the image to the author, if I recall correctly. It's an image that's never left me (how the fic starts). Possible squicks: Oral.

Title: Transition
Rating: Hard PG-13? Light R. There's lots of f-bombs and some sex-related observations. ;)
Pairing: Jerry/Amy
Prompt: Jerry/Amy - transition (bb vamp Amy). Anything set in between Amy being dragged off from the club and Charley showing up to rescue her. Is she in the ground? In a white room? Is there sexytimes with Jerry (I vote yes!)? Would love if you show her on both sides of the transformation, somehow.
A/N: One of my tamer fics. Much is in Amy's head, and smut is mostly only implied. Possible squicks: biting and blood drinking and stuff, natch.

Title: Graduated
Rating: Adult. For tame-ish m/m shenanigans.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley - Graduation. I've both read and written prompt fills which mention a large, extravagant graduation party thrown for Charley by Peter, but let's see it. Specifically, I'd love it if some ridiculous teenage drinking game (which Peter of course participates in) leads to Peter and Charley making out (and more?) for the first time while all of Charley's Cool Friends party it up unaware just in the next room.
A/N: What it says on the tin! Possible squicks: Handjob? Does that squick anyone? :D

Title: Fire
Rating: Adult. For fairly explicit m/m sex.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Charley has an intense sex dream about Peter. You can either write the dream itself, or the embarrassing repercussions of him being unable to stop thinking about it when around Peter, or him describing the details of it to Amy and her getting off on it...I just want some dreamy Peter/Charley.
A/N: My 20th Fright Night fic (not including drabbles)! Written and posted in a day (and only the day after the OP posted the prompt)! *pats self on back* I love when it all comes out in a rush that way. Uh, so to speak. ;) Possible squicks: Wet dreams. Dream-smut of the oral and buttsecks kind.

Title: Awakening
Rating: Adult. There be mildly explicit (mostly for language) m/m shenanigans.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley - Wake Up Call. We've had plenty of wonderful fills on this meme with Peter waking Charley with a Good Morning about one the other way around, with Charley waking Peter? Bonus points if they're not necessarily in an established sexual relationship yet, Charley's just feeling adventurous, and Peter is pleasantly surprised!
A/N: Another long'un. I spent a little more time on the bonus points than the prompt, because that's how I roll. Possible squicks: Oral, duh. :) On both. But not at the same time. That's a whole other prompt (wonder why it's not been suggested yet).

Title: Exes
Rating: R? Adult but barely?
Pairing: Ginger/Amy (And Peter/Charley, offscreen, mostly)
Prompt: A lot of fills talk about how Amy dumps Charley. But what if Charley leaves for Peter? Amy gets angry and takes out her frustration with angry rebound sex. This is where it goes AU. Maybe Ginger really survived, and both are pissed from losing their men. Cue some ranting (maybe Amy is pissed because the idea of Charley with a man turns her on, adding guilt to the mix) and cue some drinking. Cue Amy kissing Ginger, cue rebound sex. Cause seriously, a little femslash never hurt a meme....(Also, it doesn't have to be sex. Makeouts appreciated)
A/N: I didn't follow the prompt to the letter. The girls didn't want to be very angry. Or drinky. Possible squicks: Uh. Girlsex? The answer is in the question. It's mostly fade to black, though, and what isn't is tame. I was tired.

Title: Wandering
Rating: Adult. For not very graphic het vampire/human sexins.
Pairing: Jerry/Amy
Prompt: Jerry/Amy - she's different from the others NC-17. On screen, Amy is the only one Jerry forces to drink his blood. And he does it with a kiss. What makes Amy so different from the other minions? And why were her pants missing when Charley and Peter finally catch up to them at Jerry's house? *draws a road map to Jerry POV smut*
A/N: I don't think this is quite NC-17. I tried, but it didn't want to be very graphic. While writing this, I thought I might have to warn for dubcon, but I think I managed to dodge that. So for possible squicks, lets just say Amy is still human when this goes down. And this is, indeed, as requested, in Jerry's pov.

Title: Indecent
Rating: Adult. For not very graphic slashy fondling.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley - Sex in public! Don't care how, or why, but over-sexed Peter seducing reluctant Charley in a public/semi-public place must happen!!!!!!! I'm thinking change room while clothes shopping, but whatever the filler wants is good
A/N: What it says on the prompt. Fairly tame. Ish. Possible squicks: handjob. Semi-public shenanigans.

Title: Monster
Rating: Adult. For not very graphic m/m sex .
Pairing: Jerry/Peter
Prompt: Jerry/Peter. Anything, anything at all! There's not enough of those two!
A/N: This is an odd one for me. Not just because it's my first time writing Jerry (and then only barely), but because it's pre-movie, and it's sad. It hurt me to write, so I kept it short. But... I couldn't get the idea out of my head, so I put it into a fill for a non-specific prompt. Because I can't see consensual sex between Jerry and Peter during/post-movie without going vastly AU... What if a young Peter (not AS young as implied by the film. He's 17 in this) meets Jerry before his parents die? Obviously, Peter has crazy survivor's guilt. I made it worse. I'm so sorry, Peter. Possible squicks: Interspecies buttsecks.

Title: Coming Clean
Rating: Adult.
Pairing: Peter/Charley/Amy
Prompt: Charley/Amy(/Peter) - Coming Clean. Peter has the biggest, most lavish walk-in shower of all time. Charley and Amy take advantage of it for certain activities while Peter is out at rehearsals, and think they're so very sneaky about it. Then one time, Peter comes back early, and catches them. Turns out he knew all along what they'd been up to. Peter then goes on with his post-rehearsal shower as planned, calmly ignoring the teenagers shagging against the wall next to him. (Bonus Points if they jump him in the bedroom after they all get out)
A/N: I spent a leeetle more time on the bonus points than on the proper prompt. Can you blame me? Possible squicks: Brief het sex, threeway shenanigans, m/m oral.

Title: The Scientific Method
Rating: Adult. Language only.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley -- black nail polish. Give me something with Peter painting Charley's nails black. Could be when they're snuggling in Peter's bed, recovering in the post orgasmic glow. Could lead to creating said post orgasmic glow (though sex and wet nails might get messy? Not that I care.). Could be when they're both bored as hell -- I really don't care what the circumstances are. I just need Peter to paint Charley's nails black.
A/N: OP also sez: Guys wearing black nail polish is hot okay shut up. Yes, yes it is. :) This one is pretty tame, Things Implied, though.

Title: Truth or Dare
Rating: Adult. Mostly language, and brief m/m sexin'.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley Truth or Dare. Wired after a 'stake out' Charley and Peter return to his penthouse and start up agame of Truth or Dare! Conversation gets more challenging, absurd and sexual, as these things do especially with a cocky Vincent in the room and 'stuff' develops from there!
A/N: There's no actual game of Truth or Dare here. I tried that and it failed. *shrug* My bad. Possible squicks: Oral. Implied Other Things.

Title: Can't
Rating: Adult. Mostly language. Nothing very graphic.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley - Several years later. I'd like to see Peter and Charley crossing paths several years down the one's been turned into a vampire or anything like that, just Charley coming back to Vegas to visit after losing touch and looking up his old fuckbuddy pal for some reminiscing.
A/N: Two fics in one day for those of you playing along at home. But this was mostly written a while ago. I'm not that prolific. Possible squicks: Implied buttsecks. Oral.

Title: Fixation
Rating: ADULT. For mildly graphic uh, everything.
Pairing: Peter/Charley/Amy
Prompt: Peter/Charley/Amy - Threesome. Yeah, it's another request for threesome fic, just because I don't think we've actually had a fill that involved actual three-way sex. The mechanics are up to you, dear writer, my only specific request is: I want Amy to sit on Peter's face.
A/N: These things are getting longer. Sorry? Possible squicks: See prompt. That, het sex, and also some m/m stuff, le buttsecks and frot.

Title: Eighteen
Rating: ADULT. For kinda graphic m/m sex.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley - Jealousy. Teenagers can be jealous creatures, and Peter obviously can't keep his dick in his pants - I'd like to see what happens when Peter fucks someone else after they've been fucking regularly, and Charley has to deal with his feelings of jealousy.
A/N: This one is a bit graphic, I suppose. And long, relatively. Possible squicks: Same as the one below? (Look, I'm consistent!) Buttsecks, oral, etc., blah blah blah slashcakes.

Title: Hypothetical
Rating: ADULT. For kinda graphic descriptions of m/m sex.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter/Charley, phone sex. Peter's feeling horny and gives Charley a call... After all, Peter's got himself a sexy voice...
A/N: Possible squicks: Wanking. Oral. Buttsecks. But look, it's (mostly) all talk. ;)

Title: Amy/Peter
Rating: Adult. For a wee bit graphic, het sex.
Pairing: Peter/Amy (hints of Peter/Charley)
Prompt: Because Amy needs more lovin'... Peter and Amy bond over having been (or nearly been) vampires. Because they're both who they are, this results in sexytimes. Energetic sexytimes. Maybe with some (not breaking the skin) biting. Feel free to include Charley, after the fact. :)
A/N: Erm, this was supposed to have an actual title. Something along the lines of "Former Almost Vampire" (so clever, I know), but I flubbed on the first anon posting, so there you are. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, this was my own prompt. So sue me, I couldn't get the idea out of my head.

Title: Need
Rating: Adult. For not terribly graphic, m/m sex.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Peter knows he's not the best thing for Charley, so he decides that for Charley's own good, he should break up with him. CHARLEY AIN'T HAVING IT. He screws Peter's guilt into submission. :D
A/N: Possible squicks: Buttsecks.

Title: Handling
Rating: Adult. For slashy fondling.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt: Charley has to bathe Peter for some reason...he's injured or drunk or just manipulates the situation that way, who knows. Would love it if this leads to a first time handjob for Peter from Charley in the bath.
A/N: Possible squicks: See prompt.

Title: Why
Rating: Adult. For not terribly graphic, m/m sex.
Pairing: Peter/Charley
Prompt:A take-off of Ianto's conversation about Jack in Torchwood Children of Earth: "It's not men, it's just him." How would our two vampire hunters define their relationship?
A/N: Possible squicks: Oral. Also, Buttsecks.

Title: Tourists
Rating: ADULT. For kinda a little graphic het and slash sex.
Pairing: Peter/Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (hints of Peter/Amy/Charley)
Prompt:Peter/Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
A/N: Little bit cracky, you guys. How can it not be with that prompt? Possible squicks: Threesome. Het oral. Also, slash Buttsecks. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Title: Your Mom
Rating: Adult. For graphic language only, mostly.
Pairing: Peter/Jane
Prompt: Jane is lonely, and even though she knows it's wrong to flirt with her son's new best friend (who might actually be Charley's secret sometimes boyfriend, your choice prospective writer), Peter is closer to her age anyway and very attractive. Of course, Peter goes along with it
A/N: Possible squicks: Um... motherfucking?

Title: She Was a Showgirl
Rating: ADULT. For graphic het sexual escapades.
Pairing: Peter/Nameless Showgirl
Prompt: "I fucked her. Filthy." Write it. Because I have to know what Peter Vincent considers "filthy".
A/N: Yes, this was my FIRST one. And NGL, it is quite filthy. But it's right there in the prompt! So I'm not to blame. Okay, I am. And I'm sorry, nameless showgirl. Blame DT for improvising one of the best lines in the film. Possible squicks: Fisting. Buttsecks.

master list, other fandoms: fright night fic, tenth doctor smut

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