Title: In Fear
karenorCharacter/Pairing: Ten II/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: Paranoia strikes deep. Another brief moment.
Disclaimer: BBC owns, etc. etc.
Author's Notes: Because who doesn't love compact angst. In bed. Exactly 100 words.
"Waking up with you..." he says, kissing her shoulder, "...it's a bit like a dream."
"Good dream?" She draws her hand along his bare arm.
"Oh yes. Like... every morning is that moment I saw you on that street. Rose," he breathes, "your smile lit up the dark. And my hearts," he stumbles over the word, tries again. "They nearly..."
"Me too," she says quickly. "So why do you look... worried?"
"It's just... Nothing. Doesn't matter."
He rolls onto his back, grinding his fingers against his eyelids in frustration.
He sighs.
"I suppose, I'm... waiting for that Dalek laser."