fitful lucidity

Feb 20, 2007 10:54

I keep having these weird, lucid dreams. In each dream starts out with me in bed, aware of the fact that I am dreaming. There is a general feeling of darkness all around me. In last nights dream, I got a phone call from my mother telling me that one of her employees dies. (in real life, he has cancer. he is about 75 years old. it is no tragedy if his suffering ends) In my dream, I am now laying on the floor, unable to wake up enough to hear her. I tell her that I can't wake up & that I will call her back. The dream ends with me yelling Julio's name and panting really hard.

Each time this happens, I will have 4-5 dreams in a night. Last night I was in bed by 10:30. The dream series went on until 1am. The dreams are short sci-fi movies. It's like the Twilight Zone. I know it's scary, but I am not sure why I am so scared.

I have always been a vivid dreamer. I dream in color a lot. I have dreams that "predict" events happening or about to happen. I am not proclaiming myself to be anything spectacular. I am not about to pretend that I see into the future. I have had premonitions that have come true. I am a skilled palmist. I have worked with tarot cards very successfully. I predicted the war. I know how stupid that sounds, but I did. I had to buy new cards after that reading. Every time I used the cards after that, they predicted only the negative side of life.

Anyway, I find dreams fascinating. I love to life vicariously in dreams, smoking cigarettes and doing things that I am not supposed to do in real life.
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