Sep 13, 2007 08:52
I got my latest pair of glasses yesterday. I am in love. Most people don't get excited about glasses and I can understand why. I honestly think that I'm the type of person who can get/will get excited about anything. If it's new, it's exciting. Even if it's just a new type of face soap. It's such a novel concept to wear glasses. It constantly amazes me how much sharper everything is when they are on. Granted I don't need to wear them full time... but I almost want to. Yes, I'm fully aware of how weird that sounds. Husband keeps telling me the novelty of glasses will wear off... I hope it doesn't.
In a vain attempt to make peace with my body I am now attempting to get out of bed when my mind wakes up rather than force myself back asleep. The problem with this being my body protests the movement because it's still so tired. Although this does seem to be cutting back on the number of headaches I've been having recently. It's just unfortuante when my mind wakes up at weird times like 4:30am because then there's no way I can justify dragging myself out of bed.
In other news, I'm currently reading Wasted: A memoir of anorexia and bulimia by Marya Hornbacher. So far I'm loving it. It's a brutally honest look at a topic nobody wants to talk about.
Yesterday was filled with lots of socialization and I really enjoyed myself. After a torture filled day of work I spent some quality time with my best friend who was in town. It's also nice to see someone who knows you almost as well as your significant other, and in some small areas knows you better. Then dinner was filled with meeting new people, whose names I promptly forgot. It's a novel concept, being social. I think both Husband and I were happy we went.
I wish I wasn't so lazy... dry Cheerios is a somewhat disappointing breakfast. If only I had the energy to walk to the kitchen for a bowl and some milk...
Well another fun filled day at drama central awaits me...