Amazon promotion! And welcome to 2014!

Jan 09, 2014 15:40

Well, to celebrate the new year, I've been included in Amazon UK's new Kindle promotion: The Amazon Kindle 100. That means The Innocent Mage, first book in the Mage series, will be available for the great price of 1.49 pounds until February. Enjoy!

In other news, this year is shaping up to be very exciting. The Tarnished Crown bk 1, The Path to Power, is currently being examined by my eagle-eyed editors, and will soon be on its journey through the production process for a release later this year. Stay tuned for a publication date. I'm also busily planning my trip to the UK. I'll be at Worldcon in London, British Fantasycon in York - where the massively spectacular Kate Elliott is a guest - as well as doing some more research in the UK and France, and some authorly appearances with the wonderful Glenda Larke. Of course, life can happen, but that's the plan right now. I'm so excited, I can't tell you! More details as they come to hand.

The rest of this year will be consumed by the finishing touches to Tarnished Crown bk 1, and the drafting of Tarnished Crown bk 2. I'm already in research mode for that, and the ideas are sparking fast and furious.

There's just one unanswered questions, and that's when I'll be tackling Rogue Agent #5. I've had some anxious reader mail on the subject, and all I can do is grovel and say -- as soon as I can, I will write it. As most of you know, the two last two years were particularly challenging on a whole bunch of fronts and played merry hell with my writing schedule. I'm confident things are back on track now, but it does mean playing a lot of catch up. Complicating matters is the fact that the Tarnished Crown books are proving to be a massive challenge. In a good way, I hasten to add, but even so - phew! So I've got some stuff to fiddle with. But rest assured, I have not forgotten Gerald and co, I love them to pieces, and they will return!

Happy new year to everyone, and may 2014 be our best year yet!
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