rainy days and mondays

Oct 13, 2014 11:49

1. I've finally started decorating for Halloween. I'm going slow (still sick) but enjoying it. I don't really do much outside. I'd like to someday. My Halloween stuff is indoors though, where I can enjoy it.

2. Am I the only person in the world who can't grow succulents?

I love this so much.

3. So, the bartender and part of the band performing at the bar Halloween party suggested that Pat and I dress up as Johnny and June Cash, which really is perfect for us. She said if we did, we would have to do a song. We sing Jackson, so that would be fun. I would need a cheap, dark wig and a flouncy June Carter dress.

4. I've been watching True Blood on my kindle at night when I go to bed. It's really just a soap opera with vampires, but I'm enjoying it. I finished the first three seasons, which were free on Amazon Prime. Now I'm having to pay for season four, though. I hate that.

5. I'm obsessed with looking at color palettes on design-seeds.com.
I like this one for my den, and I already have a couple of the colors. I want to paint my walls the light green.

6. I like these colors for my bedroom.

7. I'm in a big decluttering mood. I need to get rid of everything I don't absolutely love or need. I have so much STUFF.
I'm going to sell a lot of doll clothes and wig lots soon. I just have to get motivated to go through it all. And I need to go through my own clothes and purge. Just all kinds of things. I have so many prints and paintings and photos I've bought over the years that I have no place for. I'm not exactly sure what to do about that. I've thought off and on about opening an etsy store to sell some vintage photos. Maybe I'll actually it.

8. Yesterday, I spent about an hour and a half (which I guess isn't really that long) with someone very very nice and very fun who had so much energy and was so animated. She was great, but it wore me out. I can only take high energy people like that in small doses (I'm sure being sick also made me more tired from it). I have to have so much calm and quiet after those kind of encounters.

9.  Female Artists in History

Margareta de Heer (Dutch painter) ca. 1600 - before 1665
Landschap met Vogels, in het Verschiet Heuvels (Scenery with Birds and in the Background the Hills), ca. 1650
watercolour on panel
34 x 27 cm.
signed l.r. Margereta D Heer/Fecit
Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Margareta de Heer worked for most of her career in Friesland, where she married the painter Andries Pietersz. Nieuhoff. De Heer's known oeuvre consists of some forty works, of which the earliest is a 1644 still life with shells and insects in the Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, with most of the others probably dating from the 1650s. The majority of de Heer's compositions are either still-life or farmyard/country scenes.

10. Back to the doctor today. I hate you, asthma.
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