anything to feel weightless again

Sep 28, 2014 22:28

1. I feel so much more at home here than on Facebook. Everyone is so shiny there. Nothing feels really real. Not that anyone is lying, but there's a tendency (even for me) to just show your best self, don't you think? A lot of my friends are gone from LJ, but I'm thankful for those of you who are still here.

2.  I just finished reading Gone Girl. I resisted it all this time, until I started seeing movie trailers. They made it look all exciting. I have to admit it did hook me. I could barely put it down. Then there was THE ENDING. The sosuckyIhateyoubookfortrickingmeintoreadingyou ending. Sigh.

3. Still taking guitar lessons. I was really making progress for awhile, but now I just feel stalled. It's frustrating. I want to be good now. I almost talked myself into quitting, but my teacher convinced me to give it another month. I don't really want to quit. I'm just discouraged. I'm trying not to do the "I wish I had learned to play when I was 20" thing, but of course I do.

4. What I really want to do is write songs. I have some words. It's hard though. It seems like it shouldn't be hard. If I were a real songwriter, it would be easy, right? I just watched an interview with Fiona Apple, and it's easy for her. She said she only writes songs when they come to her, and if it got hard, she would quit.

5. What my therapist wants me to do is paint. I'm supposed to at least walk into the studio this week. Maybe I can do that.

6. I joined ello. I'm not sure why. It looks just like tumblr to me. I don't even know what I'd post there. I really just wanted to get the name karenleigh. So I got it.

7. I'm watching True Blood on my Kindle (Fire) when I go to bed. I'm a little embarrassed about that.

8. I saw the Handsome Family IN HICKORY (I still can't believe it) about a month ago. It was a drame come true (I said that in my Mick voice). I got to talk to Brett and Rennie, although I really didn't want to. I knew I'd sound like an idiot. I probably did. I asked Brett if he would be taking requests, and he asked what I wanted to hear. I told him Arlene, So Much Wine, Drunk by Noon, Weightless Again. Do you know how many of those he played? ALL OF THEM. I can't begin to say how good they were.

9. I don't think I ever posted here that I finally got to see the Old 97s after 20 years of waiting. That was in Asheville at the end of May. They were so definitely worth the wait.

10. I feel so boring. I need something new and exciting. I need to be new and exciting.
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