Feb 02, 2005 01:46
Have you ever looked in a "Lost-n-Found" box in some public area? What do you see? Someone's hat, a flip-flop, the not-so-latest watch fad, a sweatshirt, some plastic toy... It's really just a collection of forgotten possessions.
What is the nature of a possession? Easy, right? It is something that has been attained by some means or another.
Perhaps the toy was given to a little girl. She may have received it from her mom's boyfriend with the premature intention of winning the favor of the little girl and to prove something to her mom. Now, this possession is loaded with intention - not just a possession but a reminder that someone is attempting to effect your decisions by bribery of sorts. Unconsciously, the little girl has rejected his unspoken proposal, sensing it's insincerity, left the trinket for someone else's treasure.
Perhaps the watch was purchased for a little boy. He may have received it from his father, who works long, hard hours for the money he earns for the family in an effort to provide all of the family's needs and wants. The boy wanted the watch. It was the greatest thing since sliced cheese - before that new model came out - and his eyes wandered to that new thing like it was the one and only thing that mattered in the world. What drives this little boy to want things until they loose their luster? Maybe it's not the thing he wants at all... Maybe there is an empty space inside that seems to fill for just a moment when his father's eyes shine with pride as he receives this gift - given with love. It could be that the boy does not want the thing at all, but, instead, wants his fathers eyes to shine with pride again, to have that exchange, to experience that personal attention and connection that is lost in the work hours of the day. So, in this case, to receive the attention he longs for, the little boy unconsciously looses the watch.
What if we applied this "Lost-n-Found" concept to people? Well, a person would be treated as a possession, something to be attained and controlled. This happens, we all know it. As long as this person is willing to be possessed and controlled, they are "kept up on a shelf" in a safe place away from others who desire to attain what they do not already have. The controller would come and dust them off, play with them a little and put them back in the same safe place so they have the security of knowing it will be there when they get back.
~ If there is no appreciation, all are Lost. ~
...and the lost gather together and wallow in their lost-ness, believing that once they are found, there will be appreciation and all will be well. All of their lives are put on hold until they are "Found".
What I wish most for all the lost is to find themselves, value and appreciate the lives they are living - even if it takes appreciation for the smallest things, for the simple pleasures (that aren't self-destructive) and learn that their energy and attention is not a commodity to be bought, sold and traded to whoever chooses them, but to give their energy and attention to those they admire and respect with respect for themselves. This is what I have Found.