On July 22, I had my official book launch for Other at Uppercase Books, and it was fab! I'll let the photos speak for themselves:
Why, of course I had to pose beneath the sign.
And pose with the fab people of Uppercase Books!
The pretty display of Other copies.
Me, going "Hmmm..." during the Q&A. Avec la Pooka!
The audience, actually intrigued by my "Hmmm..."
Mindi Scott dropped by. Go
So did book blogger
Sarah and her sister Elizabeth!
For those who couldn't make it out to Snohomish, WA for the Uppercase Books signing, never fear! I'll be signing Other and schmoozing with readers in Olympia, WA (my college town!) at
Orca Books on August 14, from noon to 3 pm. More info
here. Hope to see you there!
Originally published at