no supernatural, no doctor who, no misfits, no office, no parks & rec, no bones, and goodbye dollhouse. hiatus can suck it.
but because of it we've gotten through four seasons of dexter and and are about to start mad men.
there is this torchwood virtual series that interests me
tw_itallchanges. i don't quite get it yet. but i really like the fun notes and updates though.
this random person i follow
curriejean only because she made some very well edited torchwood fan videos and i vaguely recall she mentioned being childfree. like i read a rant of hers in the childfree group and then learned she likes torchwood? point is, i learned about the TW virtual series from her posts.
egg and i are gonna try to join the
bigdamn_rewatch of firefly. though technically for her it's just a "watch", since she hasn't seen it yet.
i'm gonna go search for BBC
tumblr groups now. cuz dangit i could watch Bleak House or Persuasion over and over again i think. i mean, comon, Captain Wentworth swoon. the camera work and affected speech alone makes me think of all that which one does not discuss in polite company.
and don't even get me started on Anne of Green Gables.
egg will also have to bare witness to my obsession with cast iron skillets and little japanese lunch accessories that were obviously intended for children and not thirty somethings who don't know how to save money.