Nov 13, 2005 12:48
Wow, time for a update! yay. So I have been pretty busy lately, and now it is Saturday and just when I start thinking hmmm what am I going to do tonight....I get a call from someone needing a babysitter. So of course, being the nice person that I am, I say yes. Money is starting to take over me.
So Thursday night I got to introduce Lauren to the world of Star Wars.
She was a little freaked out....but enjoyed it.
She had a light saber battle with me.
Because we are sweet.
And then of course, the football game on friday. It pains me to have to write about this, because by now everyone knows that Orion lost and it is still a fresh pain in the hearts of many. First of all I would like to thank Brad Hood for going 11-40 for 277 yards (that isnt good, clarification for the non football fans). But other than that, the boys played great, and there is next year.
Thank you for an amazing season.
Thank you to the bleacher people and the student section.
Thank you to the green and white painted boys.
1 more year of football games.
Well that is about it, here are some points to ponder.
"You cannot miss that which you have never had"
"Those whom we love are often the most alien to us"