Apr 21, 2007 20:12
Today I rode a camel!
Not as glamorous as it sounds, but it was still exciting. In the evening, these people who own horses, ponies, donkeys and a camel hang out beside a park and sell rides to kids on each of the aforementioned animals. The animals look very sad and poorly cared for, so I felt kinda guilty paying to ride on one of them, and thus continuing their business. But I did anyway. Two times. Once with Ahmed, another teacher here. We got lots of funny looks - two ADULTS riding the camel? Isn't that for the KIDS? But yeah, when I rode again it was with a two year old, so it was more normal.
Before I got on the camel the first time, I was excited and expressed to Ahmed how I thought it would be cool to take a nomadic trip through Saudi on a camel for a week. Then I got on the camel. As the camel stood up and I gripped the handel on the seat thingy for dear life, I said, "Well...mabye only a short trip into Saudi on a camel." ...By the end of the trip, my butt was already sore, and I concluded that riding a camel through the desert would suck. BUT camels are still cool animals.
The end.