Oct 17, 2005 14:47
um, yeah i suck at livejournaling. i suck at virtual communication in genernal i believe. luckily for me, there hasn't been much to document in my life lately anyway. my college years are turning out to be like middle school...as in, what the heck did i do? well, i suppose i'm doing a lot more in college than i did in middle school but when i look back at middle school i don't remember doing anything worth remembering. i think i went to school, played sports, wore hanson t-shirts, and had approximately 3 friends that i hung out with like 4 times outside of school. my life was borrrrrring. i think the difference in my life now is that school is more interesting, i've moved on to a variety of t-shirts, and i hang out with my approximately 3 friends a lot more. i think i've still learned and grown a lot in college but i want it to be really memorable in the long run and right now i think i'll look back on it and say that i had none fun. now see, when i look back at high school, as much as there were lots of not so great things that happened, i still remember having a lot of fun...and surprisingly i think all the drama helped in that a little bit. at least i remember being emotionally stimulated at some level in high school even if half the time it was anxiety. right now i just feel blah. i guess i get worried about pharmacy school a lot but it's not the same because it involves real peolple things. as in, if i want to be a pharmacist when i have to be a real person out in the world some day i have to do well right now. but being nervous about your friend who has to make a decision between like 4 different boys for a homecomming date is more fun to be anxious about because in the end it's not that big of a deal. am i coming in clear? i'm not saying i need petty drama in my life but i just need something that i care about...i guess. maybe doing things like going to museums and city places would be fun and stimulating a little but i don't picture it satisfing me much. sometimes i just feel like nothing can make me happy...but i think that's just me being dramatic. anyway...
i liked being home last weekend even if it was for only one hour. i feel like i just drove through willoughby and waved at everyone i knew, then left. it was quite a tease. but it was fun for the most part. i really enjoyed the south football game. there was lots of excitement, things to laugh at (like cheerleaders who like to show off thier butts), people i know, and bandos. saturday was pretty recharging for me. it's always nice to be with my phi gamma tau girls, they make me feel happier about life. justina and i did some shopping together...we bought her real person teaching clothes and she looked hott. stephanie and i had one of our famous extended conversations about life...i succeeded in keeping all food and beverage products in eating condition...and felt intellectual. stephanie is going to spain next semester :O / :) / :*( then the PGT girls paraded ireland and ate manly meals of meatloaf and stew. went to DTW to ride the cannon and eat poorly made desserts from arabica. and finally to justina's house to talk about band and crazy people with the rents for 3 hours. hugged, and left :( thanksgiving is too far away.
well, now i have to get ready to make up my chem lab. wasn't allowed (<--- look steph!) to do it last week because apparantly pants with buttons are not acceptable for evil lab instructor who made me cry. i'm going in there with army boots and a snow suit just to be a jack ass. not really, but if i owned either of those i would. i think that lab instructor is the first person on my hate list. he was mean to me darnit!!! I take the PCAT in 5 days :D shoot me now!