hoooray for toooday!

Nov 03, 2004 18:40

I scheduled my classes for next semester and boy am I excited! I only have 4 classes and I don't have any 8am's! Whoa Whoa, I interrupt this happy fun journal entry to bring you breaking news...there is a HuGe, and I mean HUGE protest going on right outside my dorm. There are po pos everywhere. Wow, that's a lot of people! Looks like mostly students. They are protesting the election..."No more Bush"..."We want Kerry"!! Someone just said they burned an American flag, but I don't see that happening so don't etch that in stone. It's kinda scary. They are marching down 5th ave and they just won't end, there's thousands of them! I've never seen anything like it! Hold on, I'm going to take pictures............k, check. Now I can show y'all what I'm talkin about. If you haven't guessed already, my school is very democratic, VERY! Actually this whole county, Allegheny County, is very democratic. According to CNN allegheny county voted 73% for Kerry. Isn't it cool that Ohio was such a major part in this decision? Yea Ohio, represent! hehe I'm glad I voted...even though it didn't help Kerry win. Ok, I now return you to your regularly scheduled entry. What was I saying? Oh right, my schedule. So I only have 4 classes because I decided not to waste the AP bio credit I got. I actually talked to a lot of people in the Pharm program and they seem to think it doesn't matter whether I have AP credit or take the class from Pitt. If I do ok on the PCAT then they'll be able to see I didn't need any reinforcement. So now that I have 8 credits worth of bio out of the way, plus 4 credits of calc, I'm basically ahead about one semester. And I would try to finish the pre-pharm requirements early but I can only apply in the spring anyway so there's no point in trying to rush things. So I have only 14 credits next semester and that leaves me with only 20 more to go for next year...10 per semester. The good thing about this is that it gives me extra time to do other things like research and volunteering, ya know, all that resume boosting crap, which I will definitely need because my grades ain't gettin me no wheres. I'm really excited about the classes I'm taking too...well, except for chemistry of course. I have chem 2, providing I pass chem 1 :/ Then I'm taking Stats, which normally I wouldn't be excited about but I'm taking it with someone from agape and at least I'll have someone to study with. Then I'm taking a piano class. Yea, I know I can kinda sorta play the piano already but I needed to fulfill my creative expression requirement. I miss being able to play the piano because the only ones available are in public buildings and the only people I've ever heard play them are super good so I would never practice on them. Anyhoo...then I'm taking an anthropology class...it's called anthropology of sport and culture. I'm taking that one with someone from Agape too and she said she's already had the prof and he's really easy. And I read the description of the class...it sounds way cool. We watch films and dicuss different sports and cultures, well obviously, but whatev man, I'm totally excited. And maybe I can even do basketball band. The good thing about basketball band here is that you don't have to go to every game because the band is so big. So you can just sign up for whatever games you want. Woo, I am one happy camper right now! Only about 3 more weeks till Thanksgiving! Cool beans. I'm outtie! Have a great day/night/evening/afternoon/morning/ whenever the heck you read this!
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