Lucas North....2.0? 3.0? 4.0? // Richard Armitage

Apr 09, 2014 18:10

March 31, 2014 Hobbit Interview with SPOOKS overtones...

Start watching at 3:25 for an interesting Richard Armitage insight re: REVISITING a certain spy...

richard armitage, lucas north, spooks

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karen747 April 14 2014, 18:39:04 UTC
Was that my post re: Lucas, or yours? (Been awhile, after all.) ;-)
Who signed the DVDs? (Just curious) ;-)
I did watch s10, but only after about a year - s9's ending ticked me off so much. Sooooo nonsensical!

The other day I realized its later seasons, SPOOKS writers became completely dependent upon MacGuffins.
(Which is probably why I love tigertrapped's fics so much. They are not.)

They run around the countryside, for an entire season, chasing down Tiresius, or Nightingale/Basel group, or Albany, etc.... So, I realized that in s10, Elena Gavrick was that season's MacGuffin. Sigh. Whatever people. I won't be seeing the movie. (Especially as it's the same writers.) Why waste money? Besides by the end of s9, when Harry was hypocritically pontificating re: "betrayal," as his little acolytes were circling the wagons, it got so that I was yelling at the screen. Saving my funds! (And vocal chords.) ;-)

I really must finish up my Lucas/John fic. inwhich I make sense of s7,8 & 9 - seriously. And Lucas lives. But is more ruthless then some might like - but realistic. I essentially script doctored s8 & 9 for my own benefit. How's THAT for self-absorbed storytelling, driven by anger!? (heh)


dweomeroflight April 15 2014, 04:30:27 UTC
Mine (though yours was also epic!). Mine was called 'The Problem with Lucas' I think... it's been awhile.

Nicola and Peter re who signed s9 dvd. I can't say I care much about losing the dvd. I have Nicola's autograph and photo from meeting her and tbh I kind of hated Harry Pearce by s5. I always found Peter to be overrated as Harry too. What a sanctimonious wanker (Harry I mean). Fuck on off my screen. Sorry. I still get worked up about how much we were meant to identify with his white angst entitled man pain. Those writers really missed the boat with their demographic.

Yes, I was going to write multiple essays on the problems with later spooks- namely that they stopped caring about character to the show's detriment and that in trying to become more and more action based Brosnan-esque Bondian they actually ended up with a pretty boring and conservative show. James Bond has never taken itself too seriously, not even Craig. Spooks kept trying to sell itself as serious drama and falling short because the writing was so poor. Urgh.

I really, really loathed Harry by s9. Worse still, I began to loathe Ruth. I loved her SO much.

Haha I wrote so many au fan fics post s8. I wrote one called Conversations trying to give personalities to people on the grid. I wrote about four involving s9 au's. I was way too invested.


karen747 May 6 2014, 17:43:01 UTC
Ah, you are too kind. I'll have to look yours up!

Harry = Sanctimoneous
Why kill Maya? = "Regnum Defende"
Me: Give me an effing break, Harry! (Survey says? The writers gave both characters utterly crap lines. Poor actors. Yup, by s9, it'd pretty much bought the farm.)

Interesting how we are all trying to do the shows' writers jobs for them, eh? The job they actually GOT PAID TO DO? BADLY?!! Yeah. Hey, whatever works... ;-)


dweomeroflight April 15 2014, 04:42:37 UTC
Also, you are right re MacGuffin's. I wrote many AU fics to try and control my annoyances with them.

I rewatched s2 the other day and it was just a totally different show to what it later became. So much smarter and edgier and classier.

lol the movie will suck. I may watch at a later date for the lol's but that's it.


karen747 May 6 2014, 18:07:01 UTC
Thank you. The realization re: MacGuffins came out of the blue. Once? Okay. Twice? Maybe. More than that? Sloppy, predictable, habit-based storytelling.

The movie? Nah. After all what would I be watching for? Probably only Malcolm.

Did you hear they were bring back "24" and Jack Bauer?
And apparently have been shooting it all on location in London? (Which, cynically, I'm sure is to boost the show's potential for international sales distribution - buy hey, if it makes for an interesting show....)

I saw the opening 2-hours last night. Some interesting moments. A certain sameness to it though. (Glad, then, that the locale was different). TV Writers over here are effusive about it. Me...I wish there was more to it...though I got the chance to see some cool actors work -including, ironically, Michael Wincott (such a distinctive voice), Guy of Gisborne in Cosner's Robin Hood and the head baddie in The Crow. And by looking at IMDB, I stumbled across the news that Miranda Raison is in 4 episodes, so that's cool. Plus Colin Salmon plays a decorated officer. A U.S. officer. With a completely convincing accent. Nice. We'll see. Still loving Spader in The Blacklist. Utterly natural and supremely convincing. He's made that series.


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